Giving up fortune telling forever

It's come to my attention lately that I can normally predict if something bad is going to happen;

 I get a gut feeling, and I feel on edge, and pushing this feeling down normally ends in me overlooking something big 



Like the fact Jessica was about to be kicked out of Soshi.



I don't even believe in fortune telling, but lately my gut feelings have been too spot on. 


It because my best friend can predict how relationships are going to pan out (using a deck of cards) to 99% accuracy, and get I only sense bad things. 


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Ah, I know the feeling. For me, I don't reli get bad feelings or thru talking bout stuff...I dream about it. Then later during the day or maybe days or even months later, there are some moments where I feel serious deja vu, then I remember that I predicted it...It's pretty scary TAT
So cool that you predicted the soshi thing. I didn't even know till my PARENTS told me. And that's just ridiculous...
My sister is the same. It was so scary how she predicted that something bad was going to happen with exo and then a week later kris left! Also last week she was telling me everything about jessica and how weird it was mow and now this.... van you guys predict my future?? Haha kidding