My Story Subscribers

Look, I'm really sorry T^T

I havent even uploaded the first chapter of my story, and its been about 3-4 months, since I uploaded the title thingy majiger. I HAVE AN EXCUSE...I think...

Anyways, I had written out the first 5 chapters, but I (being lazy) couldnt type it all out on an IPod. So I kept thinking about how I could update my story, it wasnt until my classes started up again that I realized I could just go to the library before classes and during lunch. Yet after finally(!!) having access to a computer. I had lost all five chapters of my story. I probably should have kept the notebook better. Therefore I had to search my memory for the story, but after thinking it through I rethought the plot. So I have half of the first chapter done so far~ 

It'll be completed within the next couple days. ...If I have the energy......

I shall now proceed to complete the first chapter ^-^


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