The Diary of a Hopeless Girl - exoexoexolellel

♪Infinite ∞ Ad Shop♪ presents:

exoexoexolellel's The Diary of a Hopeless Girl--

Before you came, everything left me. I had nothing left. I was nothing. And then you came; a stranger, with the most concerned expression on your face, and you looked like you cared.

I had nothing left, and you became my everything.

Inow realise why I was so clingy to you, always reluctant to part ways when you had somewhere to go. I thought that I was, in fact, purely in love with you. But that wasn't the entire reason. I was afraid. I was afraid that you'd leave me, just like everyone else. Because you, Luhan, were my everything. I couldn't afford to lose you.

And you made me believe that you would always stick by my side. That you'd always be there for me. You promised me. But you broke it. And now I am broken all over again.



Characters: Luhan, OC

Genre: Deep-Angst, Romance

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