Oh I get it

So there is hardly any JaeMin fics written or updated these days. A lot of people do start writing jm fix but then those stories never get updated. Why is that? So now JaeMin is "out of sight... out of mind.." kind of couple for everyone? I see how much love and support people have for JaeMin. Great.... Everything is just great. I salute you...*clap clap*


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mmm13579 #1
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's a bit sad but there will be always many people that like this pair. Anyway I new about them after the break and became my favorite couple so I kind of understand, or at least I try to. But it's good to know people who still like them ^^
Cant really blame them though. Everyone losing interest and have their own life to deal with, we cant expect them just to focus for minjae only. Though i really do want to read the fanfics though. The most important is not whether you make or read fanfics, but you still believe in them.
I'm totally 100% agree with you, cause I've noticed it too...
but for me, JaeMin will always be my 1# favorite couple (never out of sight out of mind)
True, I noticed that too, because I wait for some jaemin fic updates and they are soooo long ;A;
but I think this ship is still there, like they recently woke up when Jae post a pic of deer in his twitter? my twitter was 100% jaemin then and i only follow some dbsk fans xD