♕♕ Foreign Queens ♕ Aoi & Main dancer,Lead vocalist


Foreign Queens

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Aoki Mizuhara
Background information
Age 23
Birthdate October 31,1990
Birthplace + Hometown Tokyo,Japan
  • Japanese
Language(s) Japanese :: Native,Fluent
Korean :: Conversational
English :: Learning,Horrible accent
  • Ai :: Mostly by everyone who knows her - Just to shorten her name a bit
    Kawaii Aoi :: By the fans and members - Because of her kawaii and sweet personality
  • O






beneath your beautiful.

  • FACECLAIM: Kozue Akimoto
  • BACKUP FACECLAIM: Baek Su Min (Yuko)
  • APPEARANCE: Has long,solid black hair.That in matter of fact is dyed (her original hair color is a very light brown).She has two little dimples on both cheeks that are both visial when she smiles or laughs (and that happens very often).She is 167cm tall and weights 50kg.She likes to have her hair straight with bangs just above her eyes.Her skin is very sensitive.She will burn her skin easily.Especially when she goes to the beach (the main reason she hates it.She always comes home with a  bad sunburn even though she put on sunblock).She will also grow alot of acne on her forehead or cheecks if she eats to much chocolate or enything greesy (she cant stop herself though.So she has with her some cream to stop the acne from growing).The only place she has piercings are in her ears.Both ears piercs twice,an tragus piercing on her left ear along with a industrial piercing on the same ear.
    STYLE: Ai has a bit of a punk-dark color theme type of clothes.She loves unique clothes but HATES plain looking clothes.Its just not her style.But she also isnt a big fan of killer high heels and tight/short/revealing clothes (she claims she feels violated by the eted eyes of both the male and female population).She prefers comforting but yet fashionable clothes.She also love japanese type of clothes.




i've got a wild heart.




Ai is a very social and friendly type of girl.She loves meeting new people and getting to know them better.She is very talktative,and when she is really into a conversation,she won't stop it.Ai would talk with everyone and everything that comes in her path (in other words,she is like a real life walking radio).She is a person who easily trust people without really thinking straight.You can say she is quite naive in some parts.Ai is not really smart to be honest,and she can be easily be fool by bad people,in other words,they would easily take advantage of her without ai knowing what is going on.She is very calm and would easily "forgive-and-forget" enyone (she is very forgiving).Ai is a very curios girl.Even though she is one of the oldest members,she has a mind of a 14 year old fangirl.Growing up with a protective father and a very worry-some mother really din't help her at all (and also being the only child of the married couple could give them the excuse on why they where always making sure she is all in one piece and sweet with the inoccent touch in her).She is always questioning the members on diferent things she may or may not have seen before.If she had,she will only question because she kinda likes annoying both her dongsaeng's and unnie's.Its gets to annoying to straight up embarrassing when ai stards talking out loud or asking the most stupitest questions.Again,being annoying.She is a loudmouth and she will refuse to stay quiet.It just feels un-natural and not in her nature not talking for just a few minu-SECONDS.She is a lazy she it comes to "not-doing-idol-things".She will not bother to do enything on her "lazy days".And if she wants talk to the members (or annoy them in the van or somewhere else where she can embarrass them alittle for her own little amusement *such an evil "maknae") she will stard texting non-stop (1:06-1:36).Not until the members either yell at her or take away her weapon (the damm phone) and get it out of her reach,she will not STOP.She is very emotional and would cry easily.She gets hurt easily by both words and actions and that just can kill her mood in the most horrible way:killing (or damaging) her emotions.She would usually stards ugly sobbing shedding tears like a waterfounting and running away like a maniac (flawing her arms around while sobbing loudly.Plus running around,but too far away from the members,again its like seeing a maniac on the loose.Its quite a funny sight to see but alittle bit sad because you know she isn't faking thouse tears ).Other than that,she is a coward.She HATES gore and violance and can get easily scared of enything involving the word "scary" (its very ironic that her birthday happens to be on halloween.She both loves and hates that day.Loves it because its her bithday,but hates because its suppose to be the scarriest day/night of the year.And she isn't found of enything and everything scary).And finally,you may be suprise when you see her turn into a very serious kitsune.And its comon.But you will only get to see her like that at work.Like her family,she is a hardworking lady and a serious one when it comes to idol life.She will always give all of her might and sweat,blood and tears into it.Its like her whole personality became the opposite.She will push the members back onto theire feet when they are ready to give up and comfort them when they are in need.But all that,she can be self-crytical.No matter how HARD she puts her energy and thought onto her job,she stills knows they are people WAY better than her wh has her same job.She just felst alittle umcomfortable when she sees people who arent even idols do a better job than her.


i used to wanna be living like there's only me.

BACKGROUND: Ai was born and raised in tokyo,japan.She is the only child of a japanese married couple.Ai had a pretty normal life in school,only thing was she hated it.But she din't complain because her parents would scowl her later on.So in the end she accepted the hard life and drag herself to get good grades.Ai was really into music in such a young age.She would always turn on the radio whenever she could have sing along or dance around her room.Until she decided to ask her parents to sing her in some dancing/singing clases since she wanted to improve her skills.Her parents,gladly said yes since they thought theire daughter where only doing it for fun.But her parents dint want her to get close with the crazy-un-smart kids and preferd her staying alone for her "own" good.But she still manage to make a friend who wasnt bads enough to make her (ais) parents cringe.Her new found bestfriend (that names is Kiriko,and no its not kyary pamyu pamyu) was (and still is) the very opposite of ai.But they manage to survive eachothers personalitys and got along quite well after a while.At that time kiriko was really into music,kpop to say the truth.The reason was because her mother is actually korean and married a japanese businessman (and move to japan with him and had kiriko has soon after they where married) so,kirikos mother wanted to get her daughter into the koren culture,so the best way to get a 15 year old girl to pay attencion is throwout (in her opinion)Music.No sooner than later,ai found herself falling more and more with both korean music and culture.Seeing theire grand/daughter falling in love with everything involving korean culture,they decided to suprise her with a gif for her 16 birthday.A mini vacation to korea.She almost fainted when she finally got to touch the korean ground to say the truth.On her few days there,she learn quite more about korea and the lanuage (she alredy knew the basics of the language).But the days flew by quickly and she found herself back at her homeland.She quickly went back to training her vocal skills and dancing.At the age of 18,she finally decided to audition for some companies back in korea.She first told her family and honestly,they werent to happy about it.They couldn't go with her bacause of theire jobs there and they were scare on what could happen to her.But when ai kick in the teats,her parents (and grandmother) gave in with a sadden sigh.They only want best for theire little girl and make her happy.With the help of her bestfriend,they made some several audition tapes and quickly send them out to diferent companies.By some weird miracle,she got accepted into SM.

TRAINEE LIFE: Trainee life wasn't exactly the most fun or exciting moment on ais life.She thought it was gonna be a piece of cake,but she woke up and reality slap her in the face.Hard.Because one,she lacked at the language.Ai only got accepted because of her japanese looks,dorky personality,and dancing skills.Ignoring the fact that she could beraly speak korean at all.At some point the other (KOREAN) trainees would  because of her very poor korean.At first she din't quite understand why they were talking about her or why they where laughing every time she (tried) to talk.But she DID made friends though,and in the right time too.Ai was about to loose it with the ie meenie trainees and was THIS close to walk out the front door and moving back to japan.But her new found friends gave her comfort (along with her family that is) and incoragement,so she decided to "man up" and put her game face on.Day by day she starded to understand more of the korean language and improve both her dancing skills,and her singing skills.

Yuta Mizuhara / Father / 49 / Barista-Coffee shop owner / Calm,Polite,Protective,Understatin / Alive / closeness:10/10

Kora Mizuhara / Mother / 47 / Pastry chef-Coffee shop owner / Sweet,Kind,Worry-some,Welcoming / Alive / closeness:10/10
Miyata Mizuhara / Grand-Mother / 82 / none / Sweet,Warm,Cuddly, / Alive / closeness:10/10


Oh Minyon (ai likes to call him mimi)  / Bestfriend / 25 / Model / Calm,Understanding,Hardworking,Scary-to-approach (not to ai he is) / alive / closeness:10/10
Cho Kyuhyun  (aka the pather in crime) / Bestfriend / 26 / Idol / Fun,Active,Mischievous,EVIL.... / alive  / closeness:9.5/10

Kiriko Takashi / Childhood bestfriend / 23 / Graphic designer / Quiet,Active,Smart / alive / closeness:10/10

Julian Woo / Friend / 21 / SM Trainee / Calm,Out-spoken,Friendly / alive / closeness:7/10
Jina Woo / Friend / 21 (younger twin of julian) / SM Trainee / Funny,Loud,Hyper,Socialble / alive: 7.5/10

forget about all the stupid little things.

✪Long socks
✪FOOD (minus salty food) + Ice Coffee (especially her fathers own)
✪Romantic/Action movies
✪ (*walks away slowy*)
✪Pink Eyeliner
✪Warm showers
✪Texting + Taking selfies
✪Creeper shoes + Combat boots + Wedges
✪Instagram + Baby animals (the cute ones)

EEL SUSHI~ (but the actual fish / eel gives her the creeps)

Public bathrooms
Halloween + Gore + BLOOD
High heels
People- or enything in general blowing on her neck
Waking up early
Sasaeng fans
y people

Alcohol + Clubs
Judgemental people

Squealing loudly at the sight of sometime adorable or sugoi
Would cuddle with enyone sitting beside her
Pouts when the members ignore her
Learning ways to annoye the members (her most classix one:The text bomb)
Blushing deepley when flattered or being praise
Taking photos of everything and everyone,everyday and everywhere
Would stard biting her lower lip when about to cry
Practicing boygroups dances (espeacilly 2pm,Teen Top and infinite songs)
Jumping or skipping instead of walking when excited
Would often change language in a middle of a conversation (korean to japanese) and would just laugh it out
Would radomly tackle a member when bored or overly excited
Often sneaks into the members beds because of her fears for both being alone and the dark

✪Drawing (Mostly anime or chibi style: )
✪Dancing free style (or dancing in general.She just loves to dance) (her and eunhyuk)

The dark + Being alone
Haunted houses

She is full japanese
Has a dog named mojo (who hates all of ais MALE friends.Loves the members but really,really hates dislikes eunhyuk) *the dog is an italian greyhound*
Would faint at the sight of a needle of a big amount of blood
Dosn't act her age at all
Is allergic to pineapples
Has sentitive skin and neck (like exos lay.She hates when you blow on it.Its like her weak spot)
Has a bit of a lady crush on CL (she is her favorite idol)
Can be over-dramatic
Its horrible when it comes to cooking (just like her grandma~)
Its a real walking dead zombie every mourning ( and groaning while draging herself around)
Knows how to drive but dons't have a license
Her favorite movie is Titanic (she cries everytime she sees it)
Likes to read fanfiction (espeacilly .But secretly.She espeacilly reads Eunhyuk X Donghae to kill time)
She is a 2pm,Teen Top and an Infinite fangirl (knows all the groups dances and songs)
Has more guyfriends than girlfriends ("mostly because the trainees back then where sooo mean! *whines*")
Has an Iphone 4 s

if you like me, then say you like me.

LOVE INTEREST: Lee Hyuk-Jae (Eunhyuk)

GROUP: Super Junior


GROUP: Super Junior


PERSONALITY: Eunhyuk is know to be koreas little anchovy and sujus very own dancing machine (along with donghae they make a very good combo.But other than that eun is one of the most skilled dancers in kpop).He is very fun to be around with and a very friendly one to.He ins't shy or akward enough to meet new people or to things that involes idol life.Eun his a very kind and calm person too.If someone would had harrased,he would probably on his calmest level and try to calm the other persn down,or just walk away without saying enything.

RELATIONSHIP: Dating :: Eunhyuk meet ai through out mutual friends (aka The evil maknae kyu).Kyuhyun saw how lonely eun was getting and sudenly decided to play matchmaker for his poor and old hyung.And he found the right person too,his good friend ai.He found adorable (and also look at it has sad and felt "pity" for her when he heard from her that she has never been in a real relationship before) so he made sure to take a free day off out of work and drag ai towards his and the members dorm when eunhyuk was there (and making sure that they where less members out off the dorm.He dosnt want ai to distract herself with the friendly or the diva ones *coughHEECHULcough* in the group.And to say it work in the end,it did.They starded out has good friends.Having goofy dance battles or messing around with eachother.Eun came to slowy realize that he loved her has in a "boyfriend-girlfriend" way.On the other hand,ai was to oblivious to notice euns lovy-dovey gazes.Long story short eun ended up confessing to ai only knowing her 6 mounths (but he felt like he knew her for a long time) and she of course return the feelings. ::  Ai is very sweet and clingy when it comes to eunhyuk (and he isn't complaning one bit).Considering he IS her first boyfriend (she had some boyfriends but they where from when she was in middle school and honestly,she dint really LOVE them to the point she will make-up with them and where tight clothes for them.No just no.She may be naive,but she still has dignity).She loves to annoy him alittle bit by calling him by his weird nickname given by the members and fans: anchovy.Although he finds some ways to bother her too.Like making a mistake while dancing with her or calling/texting her in the middle of the night just to wake her up (and in the end getting yelld at by an angry ai).

 He is very protective when it comes to his food (and of course towards ai.Food just comes in second) + Out of all the super junior members,eunhyuk eats the most
He is a crybaby (much like ai...)
He has a very good temper.The very opposite of Lady hehe Heechul.
Eunhyuk is 5 years older than ai
They starded dating last january
They like to have dance battle against eachother (but in the end they always loose focuse and just looks like to maniacts running around)
Ai was on super junios Mamacita MV (in wich she got to know the other members better and eunhyuk tried to impresse her more with his "t u x ! " )
✪More facts about him HERE


and all these little things.


POSITION: Main Dancer,Lead Vocalist
POSITION: Main Vocalist,Face of the group

FANCLUB NAME: The Sugoi Family

SINGING TWI: Fiestar's linzy
DANCING TWIN: 2ne1's Minzy



COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: Sorry is my grammar is a mess.My english is not fluent and my keyboard is really crappy...

SCENE REQUESTS: Ai bodering the members with  her text messages :: Ai whining about wanting food (eel sushi) :: The members go t a hunted house and ai stards clinging to the members (and eventualy cries in the end)

PASSWORD: Fiestar's Vista


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Sorry, can I get a persona for her?
Just a warning right now, Eunhyu is my ultimate bias. I havnt read over it yet, but I just hat to let you know ahead of time.