// CLICK : Jung Seri

Jinheesnap92 ♦ jinhee or ella

jung seri


// Se-na ♦ A form of endearment used by her brother. It's short for "Seri noona". It can also be used by her fanboys that are younger than her.
// Winter Child ♦ She was born in winter. People can refer to those born in winter as a "winter child". In Seri's case, the word "child" can be replaced with "eonni" or "noona".
// Iseul  Her stage name. It is also a nickname used by her fans and her family. Her parents stated that dew was formed during the dawn (during the time she was born).
Dreaming Leader  She has a wide imagination and is the group's leader. In some cases, people add "nim" at the back of this nickname. A nickname used by her fans and the younger members.
Resident Ahjumma  Since she is one of the oldest (or possibly the oldest), she is usually called an "ahjumma" by the younger members as a form of endearment. 


// Korean ♦ Fluent ♦ Her mother tongue, enough said.
// English ♦ Basic ♦ Since English is a universal language, Seri started to teach herself English.


FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Gam Da In
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Yurim
ETHNICITY [ ♦ ] Korean
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 167 cm, 48 kg

NAME [ ♦ ] Jung Seri
D.O.B [ ♦ ] 13th December 1990
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Nam-Gu, Gwangju, South Korea
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Nam-Gu, Gwangju, South Korea

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Iseul
POSITION [ ♦ ] Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Main Rapper, Vocals


PERSONA [ ♦ ] The Dreaming Winter

TRAINEE YEARS [ ♦ ] 7 years
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] Seri was once a Cube trainee before she was transferred to Jellyfish. During her time in Jellyfish, Seri faced lots of complications.  She was afraid of being judged. She was usually overlooked because of her quiet personality. Most trainees didn't even want to be around her because they thought that she would just shut them down. Other trainees give her the judging look because they know that she always had good ranks despite having that kind of personality and exterior. Despite her good marks on singing and dancing, her rapping were a cry for life. Seri had always worked hard. It was definitely blood, sweat, and tears for her.


// 2013 : Appearing in BTS' Beautiful MV  
// 2013 : Appearing in BTS' Boy in Luv MV
// 2013 : Appearing in VIXX's "Voodoo Doll" MV

SINGING TWIN [ ♦ ] f(x)'s Luna
DANCING TWIN [ ♦ ] f(x)'s Luna


// Releasing "Our Love Like This" for "Flames of Desire" OST
// Releasing "I Want to Turn Back Time" for "Passionate Love" OST
// Playing the role Lee Yuri in "Greatest Marriage"
// Playing the role Oh Sonyeo in "It's Okay, That's Love"
// Making her solo debut with "The Red Shoes" (or any IU or Ailee song)


// Seri is revealed to have a weak immune system so she can't be too exhausted or she'll faint or suffer respiratory problems
// Seri was rushed to the hospital after finishing a performance of Click's debut song (True, it was revealed that Seri was stressed and she became very sleep deprived)

Lacks self confidence, introverted, unhumorous, observant, caring, imaginative, 

// Let me took you through the dark side of Jung Seri...
First of all, Seri has a low self esteem. She finds it difficult to believe in herself. She's not that person who can build up an ounce of self confidence. She really has an issue with self confidence. Her low self esteem is confirmed as the downfall in trying to make friends. Seri is also not the person to approch someone and strike up a conversation. She prefers to wait for someone to approach her. If nobody does approach her, she will usually find people who are like her (people who were waiting for someone to approach them). Seri doesn't approach other people because she's scared of being judged by other people. She will always act with cautious. Seri lacks self confidence so whenever she's told to speak in front of a crowd, she will always be shy.

Seri is an introvert, she's someone who thinks or judges things from a negative point of view than the positive side. By seeing the negative side, Seri learns her mistakes and flaws. She keeps in mind what her mistakes and flaws are and will tend to ask her friends questions like "Is it true that I'm quiet?" or "Is it true that people think I'm anti-social?". Seri's classmates like to call her names, mostly names like "Anti-social", "freak", or "alien". Whenever she hears these things, Seri's heart starts to grow smaller. You see, Seri always says to her friends that she hates it when people call her names because Seri herself knows her flaws and she certainly hates it when people rub her flaws or mistakes in her face. Not everyone has the patience to withstand it.

Seri's sense of humor isn't really very polished. Due to her low self esteem and her inability to build up some self confidence, Seri has a hard time making jokes. She prefers to six back, relax, and observe the noise happening around her. Seri's variety sense can be concluded to a "2 out of 10". If told to be comedical, she will tend to make awkward puns or joke that doesn't make any sense. Well, that's even 
if she's told to. Nevertheless, all this ended up being another reason why Seri is teased or made fun of at school. People see her as many things, but they oftenly view her as "The Awkward Wallflower". She doesn't really have a sense of humor to back her up during variety shows or comedy acts. She just doesn't have that "sense" some people have.

// Moving on to the bright side of this girl...
Despite being the daydreamer she is, Seri has sharp eyes. Her eyes like to observe other people. She takes a mental note of everything she sees. When Seri's observing someone, she only pay attention to that person. When she feels her eyes tensing up, she then proceeds to anayze the person's behaviour. Once Seri reaches to a conclusion, she can use the person's weakness to her advantage. By "conclusion", it's a small summary of the person. Their habits, their weaknesses, their advantages, their triggers, and their way of thinking. Seri usually acts with caution since she knows these things. She also knows how that person can act as a friend or as a lover.

Seri he has a motherly side to her. She likes to take care of those older and younger than her. She has a sense of respect and admiration for those older than her. Being one of the oldest means that Seri has to take care of the younger members. But it's not all that bad since Seri enjoys things like that. As an eonni, Seri will never let anyone hurt her friends or her dongsaengs. Seri will be there for her dongsaeng. Seri likes to comfort her dongsaeng whenever they're sad. Seri will always be the shield that bounces off all bad things from her dongsaeng. 

Seri is a really imaginative person. She has a wide imagination, should we say? Her imagination gets her far. Whenever she's writing a story, she can always describe the situation in detail so when you read it, you can fully imagine the scene. Whenever she's told to describe something, she can describe it until the very last detail. Whenever she's writing a song, she can make the lyrics really emotional and meaningful. She's a very emotional and poetical person so that does make sense. She can be considered a romantic because of her wide imagination, she thinks that love in real life is almost the same as love in books and fanfictions. She has very high expectations for love. 

// Let me shine on that stage...
Seri is a bit different when she's in front of a camera or on a stage. Seri hides her plain and dull personality because her company views it as a hindrance for the group. Seri will only let her introverted side out off camera or in the dorm. So don't be shocked if you find out that Jung Seri and Jung Iseul are totally two different people. You might think that Seri's two personalities are contradicting. Well, yes. Seri had once admitted that she has two contradicting personalities. Seri is usually a dark and introverted person while Iseul is a happy and cheerful person. 

Seri becomes a burst of energy on stage, unlike her seemingly plain and dull personality off stage. Seri tends to smile more during her time on stage. She tends to act more friendlier and cheerful. There are also times when she puts on a sad face or a charismatic facial expression. It depends on the song because she can't always put on a smile but she can't always frown either, she's a human being too. But to be fair enough, it's because Iseul has really good acting skills. Though she doesn't have the "variety sense", she does have the "actress sense". She can easily make it as a soloist and actress. She also makes a killer singer-songwriter.

// Family means nobody gets left behind...

Seri's more open to people she's close with. Unlike strangers, Seri can easily approach her close friends and family. Seri will usually open up to her brother a lot because even though her brother is younger, he's such a noona pabo. Her brother is very affectionate towards Seri and will help her through any kind of situation. Seri likes to open up her heart to the people closest to her. She sees them as people who can help her resolve her problems. Seri sees her parents and her brother as the ones she can talk to the most. But judging on how much time they spend together, I would say that Seri's most comfortable with her brother.

Jung Seri or better known as "Iseul" was born during a winter morning on 13th December 1990 in Nam-Gu, Gwangju, South Korea. It was about 4 o'clock in the morning when Seri was born. During that time, there was morning mist and the forming of dew on the windows of houses. It took about 3 hours to thoroughly welcome Seri  to the world. During this time, the father (Jung Dongwook) was there to welcome his first child into the world. Lucky day for the father as he had gotten permission from the office 2-3 days prior to Seri's birth to be excused so that he can welcome his new child on time. It was also because he was worried he wouldn't make it as the father had horrible time management skills, not to mention bad multitasking skills.

Seri spent most of her childhood with a guitar or in front of a desk. Seri has always been the songwriter of the family. Seri had always been familiar with musical notes and she has been taking guitar lessons since who-knows-how-long. Seri had been put into singing lessons and guitar lessons since a very young age. The reason behind this was because her parents saw Seri's hidden talent in music. Both parents wanted to set a path for Seri's future so that Seri can have a something to back her up. It was okay for both parents to see Seri pursue music, unlike some parents who expected doctors or lawyers. The parents had saw the same time in Hoseok but they had put him in dance lessons instead of singing and guitar. The reason as to why her parents put her in guitar lessons is that they felt piano was a bit too overrated and they wanted their child to have a somewhat not so overrated musical ability since lots of kids now undergo piano lessons.

Seri had always studied, even if there isn't any tests. Seri doesn't speak with a Gwangju dialect but with a Seoul dialect. There's also the fact that she likes to practice the Seoul dialect in front of a mirror. Seri was exposed to the Seoul dialect from her mother. Her mother used to be a born-and-raised Seoul resident before marrying her father. Her mother had told her that the Seoul dialect was more polite and formal. Back to her school life, Seri has always been in the Top 3 of her class. This proves that even if you're an awkward turtle or a wallflower, you can still get good grades. Seri felt like if she couldn't make any friends at school, she had to at least have good grades. 

It was in February 18th, 1994 that Seri had been given a younger sibling. It was a boy, on top of that. Her mother named Seri's younger brother "Hoseok". Growing up, the Jung siblings had a special bond with one another. Since Seri was Hoseok's noona, Seri had always been told to take care of her brother well despite the 4 year difference. And oh, she took care of him alright. Unlike Hoseok, Seri was a bit more negative and introverted. Hoseok was more spontaneous and cheerful. These two siblings are similiar despite having different personalities. They had both dreamt of being a singer. They both have two different personalities, one when they're on stage and one when they're off stage. Sehyun and Seri both tend to put on a facial expression that suits whatever song they're performing whenever they're on stage but both become who they really are off stage. 

Though Seri had been the introverted one among the Jung family, her family loved her still. Seri had always been an obidient daugther that didn't feel the need to oppose her parents because she doesn't really have the confidence to and because she thought that she owed a huge debt to her parents who raised her to be who she is now. It was also her brother. He's always been such a nice dongsaeng to Seri. He had always stood up for her whenever she needed it. He had worried about her wellbeing a lot. 

Seri has always been teased by other people for things she doesn't understand. She's always been called names like "Freak", "anti social", "wallflower", or "nerd". Whenever she hears things like that, Seri's heart starts to grow smaller. You see, Seri always says to her friends and brother that she hates it when people call her names because Seri herself knows her flaws and she certainly hates it when people rub her flaws or mistakes in her face. Not everyone has the patience to withstand it. However, the pain started to ease away when her brother suggested that "she shook the pain away with music". After that, Seri had threw herself in her studies, songwriting, and guitar playing. With songwriting, Seri poured out all her feelings. Some of her music sheets have tear stains because of this. When she's playing the guitar, she thinks about her brother. That always made her heart feel better. 

Seri had moved to Seoul to get or to receive better education. Seri had been given permission from their parents to go to Seoul and pursue a better education. Luckily for Seri, she had transferred from her old school to a better school. Seri had lived at her aunt's house during this time. So, Seri ended up auditioning for Cube in 2007. Why Cube? Because Seri had heard that Cube was a new company and was looking for trainees. However, Seri was then transferred to Jellyfish who was also looking for trainees.


FAMILY [ ♦ ]

// Father, Jung Dongwook ♦ 48 ♦ alive ♦ Businessman ♦ strict, witty, sharp 
// Mother, Han Ryumi ♦ 48 ♦ alive ♦ --- ♦ naive, impulsive, clumsy
// Younger Brother, Jung Hoseok ♦ 20 or 21 ♦ alive ♦ Idol, Member of Bangtan ♦ humorous, perfectionist, caring

FRIENDS [ ♦ ] She has no friends because she was never really the person to approach people. Seri was more of a wallflower who keeps things to herself. After debut, she's always busy with schedules or preparations at the company. Even if Seri had time, she would use it to go to the hospital (to check her health) or visit her brother or rest at the dorm. It's not like Seri has no interest in making friends. It's that she has no time for them (except for this one special person....)

LIKES [ ♦ ] 

// Winter
// Hot chocolate
// Music
// Cherry blossoms
// sneakers
// marshmallows
// Orange juice
// tteokbokki
// fortune cookies


// Bitter coffee
// rain or rainy days
// hot or moist weather
// bad internet connection
// mud
// stain on her clothes


Reading books
// listening to music
// writing lyrics
// playing the guitar

// Putting on a blank face
// daydreaming
// humming to a beat

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

// Seri graduated from Yeungnam University's College of Music
// she has a weak immune system, thus she gets sick easily
// since she had been rushed to the hospital once, Seri has been trying to rest a lot so that she doesn't get rushed to the hospital again

// she's afraid of ghost
// she's afraid of the dark
// she composes and writes lyrics well
// she can play the guitar
// Her lucky number is 13 since she was born on December 13th
// She loves Running Man, especially Jongkook and Jihyo
// Her music inspiration is BoA and 4Minute's HyunA 
// Her IQ is 127
// She's a fan of BAP and BTS
// She has an Iphone 5 and a Samsung Laptop
// Her favorite seasons are winter and spring
// Her favorite flowers are white roses and cherry blossoms
// Her bloodtype is A
// She used to wear glasses but stopped in 9th Grade because she started wearing black contact lenses
// She can't speak in a Gwangju dialect because she's been practicing her Seoul dialect ever since she was little
// She ships HyunA & Hyunseung as Cube's 2Hyuns
// Her motto in life is "Treasure every last moment before it ends"
// Her ideal type is Jin of BTS
// Her brother gave her a Rilakkuma doll for her to hug when she's sleeping (she brings it everywhere)
// She wears a Yin and Yang necklace that her brother gave her. Seri kept the yin and Hoseok kept the yang.
// She is ambidextrous

// Her playlist consist of modern Korean music (you know, KPOP...) since she has no interest in Western music (especially Miley)


// Twitter : @jungiseul_ 
// Instagram : @jungserii 
// Kakao Talk : seri-noona 
// Naver Line : jungseuls 

seokjin is strong and silent. in the first instance, seokjin comes across as extremely quiet and reserved person. only after you get close to him will you have a proper conversation, rather than simple monologues. he moves deliberately and is as steady as a rock. once seokjin has made up his mind, it is impossible to move him even slightly. if you leave him alone, seokjin will come across as a very easygoing person.  if you push seokjin, he becomes stubborn. if you are still trying to make him budge, beware of the violent temper. seokjin is hardly impulsive and never gets angry without a reason. infact, he has the perfect control over his emotions. however, when seokjin does get angry, it is better not to get in the way or you are bound to get trampled. the anger also takes time to come down. 

one of the typical personality traits of kim seokjin is passivity. you can count on him to be there when you need him, but he will never be the one to call on you. at the same time, he will know 'what to do' and 'how to do it'. worrying, fretting or getting nervous is definitely not one of seokjin's characteristics. it is in his nature to be stable and stoic. he takes his decisions slowly, after careful considerations. taurus people love their home and change upsets them. don't tell a taurus that he's stubborn; he'll never believe it. he thinks himself to be patient, not obstinate. seokjin has this amazing quality of bearing emotional and physical pain, even for years, without grieving or complaining. the more the troubles come pouring in, the stronger he will come out to be. seokjin is nothing if not loyal and dedicated to his family and friends. 

seokjin is not stingy and his pockets, along with his heart. he always open to friends and family. he loves grandeur and he is deeply interested in the various forms of art. music usually has a very special place in his life. he is not the one to build castles out of air. synonymous with lasting love, seokjin is not prone to wandering. he loves luxury, but detest waste and extravagance. last but not the least, he's dependable, strong, patient and trustworthy

MEETING [ ♦ ] 
Seri and Seokjin met when Seri visited Hoseok at Big Hit in 2012. In 2012, Bangtan was still preparing for their debut. Hoseok had texted Seri that he was feeling a bit hungry and he was really tired so he asked Seri to make him some food and bring it to his practice room. During that time, Seri was coming home from her appointment with her doctor (to prevent what happened after the "Luv Virus" performance). Seri texted back that she can't because she just cam out out of the hospital. Hoseok then texts "Noona, can I pick you up then?" Seri texted back that he can but he has to be careful. 

Since Hoseok might get scolded if he went out alone, Hoseok asked his hyung Seokjin to tag along. Being the kind hyung he is, Seokjin agreed to tag along. In the way to Seri's location, Seokjin had been curious about Hoseok's sister and had asked questions about her. When Hoseok and Seokjin finally reached their destination, that's when Seokjin and Seri first met. Hoseok yelled "Noona!" really loud to the point where Seri had to smack his head. 

Hoseok then introduced Seokjin to Seri. That's when they met. Seokjin felt something in his heart. He wasn't the type to be attracted to noonas so he felt weird. Seri didn't notice this and just smiled. Hoseok then raised an eyebrow at his hyung. Since the day they met, Hoseok has never seen Seokjin act this way. Hoseok then concluded that there was a chance that Seokjin developed an "interest" in Seri. 

After that day, Seokjin has been more curious about Seri. He always tries to find out what she's doing, causing him to always bother Hoseok about Seri. Hoseok who finally snapped, gave Seokjin Seri's phone number to stop Seokjin from bothering him again. When Seokjin got Seri's phone number, it was like he had a chance to get close with Seri. When Seri and Seokjin first exchanged text numbers, they were extremely awkward with each other. When Seri reads Seokjin's awkward texts, it tends to brighten her mood and make her smile. When Seokjin reads Seri's texts, he felt like Seri was a really nice person who could use someone around to take care of her.

Seokjin confessed to Seri on Valentines Day. He had sung INFINITE's "White Confession" for her. Even though it had a Christmas feel, Seokjin wanted Seri to be remind of winter. Why winter? Because it turns out that they are both born in December.

They text each other (or at least, Kakaotalk each other). They call each other when they have the chance to. Jin is now considered one of the few people that can see Seri through like glass. Seri is always telling him his problems. If she doesn't, Jin will know because he has a slight crush on Seri that causes him to notice and pay a lot of attention to her mood and stuff. 

Whenever Jin's on a schedule with BTS, he tends to think about Seri a lot. He worries about her and wonders what she's doing. Jin might not seem like that on the outisde, but he sure is a lovesick idiot in the inside. He likes to look at all the texts they share each other. He tends to smile while thinking about her, making his BTS members curious as to why he's acting like that. If they asked, he would act like he didn't know what s are talking about.

The same thing goes for Seri. She tends to think about Jing a lot whenever he's not around. Her brother (who knows everything) would just joke around with her to make her feel better. Seri would sometimes look at the pictures they took together (yes, they do that). His brother who seems to notice all of these would just smile and prays that his hyung doesn't hurt his noona in any way.

On variety shows, they still interact the way they usually do. There would be fancams of their interactions on music shows. Some showed the two joking around like a bunch of idiots. Some would be of them looking at each other for a bit, lok eyes, and look away embarassed. There are times when they coincidentally have matching items. During their time together (just the two of them), they like to hold hands and have lots of skinship. They share kisses oftenly (in fact, Seokjin took Seri's first kiss). 

Around the BTS members, they are always teased. The BTS members knew the fact that the two are dating from Hoseok. The two are usually still lovey dovey with each other. They don't really mind with public displays of affection in front of their friends, as long as there's no fans near them...anything is cool.

OTHER [ ♦ ] 
[ ♦ ] Their relationship's persona is the Awkward Couple or the Noona and the Dongsaeng Couple
[ ♦ ] Seokjin will never let anyone harm Seri, he's extremely protective towards her
[ ♦ ] Their anniversary is on Valentine's Day
[ ♦ ] They have couple rings 
[ ♦ ] Seokjin's nickname (that only Seri can use) is Jinnie-rang (Seokjin and Sarang combined, a bit cheesy in Seokjin's eyes)
[ ♦ ] Seri's nickname (that only Seokjin can use) is Seri-rang (Seri and Sarang combined, Seri always liked the way Seokjin pronounced her name so yeah)

[ ♦ ] Seri likes it when Seokjin calls her "Noona" or "Seri Noona" 

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] Kim "Jin" Seokjin
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Min "Suga" Yoongi

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] write here
BACK UP [ ♦ ] write here

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Write here the personality of the love rival *optional*

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

OTHER [ ♦ ] Same as above

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] Is it okay if Seri had only one love interest? I don't really want a love triangle because I imagine Seri and Seokjin to be really...love dovey with each other.


// Seri and Seokjin's anniversary event or anniversary date
// Hoseok and Seri on a sibling hangout
// Seri and Seokjin's relationship is revealed to the public (some fans try to hurt Seri, but Seokjin posts on BTS' official Twitter an offficial apology and tells the fans not to harm Seri)

lo2 lo2  lo2 



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