The Writing Hates of CaitlinOfMars

Now you've discovered the sort of features I adore in any fanfiction (and if you haven't, check out my previous blog post here). Whether you were interested by that or not, I'm now going to rush forth into the very opinionated and offensive section of my writing hates!

I know, I was once a beginner to fanfiction many years ago. Thus, I am guilty of a fair few of these (I found a notebook full of my old fanfiction from when I was ten, and promptly died of shame). However, I like to think I've improved with time, and certainly; most of the things listed below will either get better with practice, or you will hopefully realise they're frustrating and alter them with experience. Or, you know, you can continue doing them if you find them fun. I can't tell you how to live.

Again, I am no genius, and definitely do not have any natural writing talent. These are just a couple of the features that will automatically turn me off any story I come across. I shall reiterate now, as stated in my previous blog post- these are my opinions. They are just opinions. Get that? Opinions. You are perfectly entitled to hold other opinions, and indeed, I encourage it. Diversity makes the world go round and all that.

I'll get right into it to avoid having to state more disclaimers. You can hate me as you go along.

- Hideously overused and cliche storylines. Everyone's done it at least once. Indeed, I myself am not untainted by the convenience of using one or two of these in the past. You've all seen them- they, unfortunately, litter the front page (and indeed any page) here at AFF, and I'm pretty sure my soul dies a little inside every time I happen to stumble across one. Oh, so your Mary-Sue's parents are dead/on a 1000 year business trip conveniently at the time when the idol decides to whisk her away, are they? Similarly- gosh, what's this? Your favourite idol ever just happens to turn up at you/your character's school and fall immediately in love with you/them? I don't believe it- your character went to a concert/Korea and the guy immediately asked her backstage/to the dorm? And how on earth did your character manage to get herself stuck living with that idol group this time? Sarcasm aside- they're overdone and generally make horrible stories. Steer clear, I beseech you. They're almost as bad as the bad boy/good girl trope. Seriously, you can write better than that. Just put a little imagination and effort in, huh?

- 2nd person ('you') perspective. Oh god, I hate it. If there's one thing that really gets under my skin are stories written as 'you', and it's even worse if they do the trick where your username comes up instead. They try to be immersive, yet there couldn't be nothing less absorbing than reading an idol say "Hey 'CaitlinOfMars', what class do you have next?". The worst thing about these kinds of stories is that they're usually paired with the storylines above, and people love them. I almost feel as if I'm going to be mauled writing this, because they appear to be regarded as something sacred here on AFF. I get it, they appeal to the fantasies and daydreams of teenage girls, they tell them what they want to hear, immerse them almost as if they're there. But that is not fanfiction. That is not taking characters or personalities and spinning them into something individual and creative and beautiful. It's plain pandering to the whims of daydreaming girls. It's whatever the kids are writing on tumblr these days- 'scenarios' or 'imagines' or whatever. Never do it. If you MUST write an OC, keep the storyline interesting, the character 3D, and the perspective firmly in third (preferred) or first person... I realise I've grown heated- I apologise, I can't tell you what to do. Continue if it pleases you. I just won't be reading any.

- Mary-Sue OCs/shameless self-inserted alter egos. This follows closely behind the other two. For those unknowing, a 'Mary-Sue' is an impossibly perfect or clichéd character, and, unfortunately, 80% of the OCs on here seem to contain them. The character picture (these stories always have character introductions- why? If it's a good enough story, we'll get to know the OC as we go along. And you certainly don't need to put profiles for the idols. I'm pretty sure everyone reading knows who they are. I digress-) is always of an ulzzang, they always have a very carefully picked pretty Korean name, and their personality is always the same. Sort of shy or smart, hideously beautiful but doesn't realise their own good-looks and will vehemently deny them to anyone, and good at singing/dancing in a fantastic fashion. More often than not they're also paired with a dark, mysterious past (maybe the dead parents, as mentioned in complaint number one?). Why are they like this? I know why- that ulzzang character is the author's alter-ego. Someone she wishes to be. So I move on to shameless self insertion. These alter-egos are not okay. If you want to write stuff where you yourself happen to fall into a situation with an idol group- fine, go ahead, even post it online if you want. But it's really embarrassing to read when I know you're sat writing it blushing and daydreaming cause your character is basically a more-perfect version of yourself. It's so unoriginal- put in a little thought, spend a few hours creating a rounded, 3D character that feels like a real person. There are many character sheets and the like online to help you with this. Sigh. Again, I'm not telling you what to do. I just won't be reading it.

- Question in titles/overly-dramatic titles/storylines in titles. I will clarify this mess of forward slashes now, but first let me just state that this will hopefully be less offensive than the preceding complaints. Anyway. This deals specifically with the title/description of your story- basically, if your title is anything like '*HOW will I SURVIVE???!??!!1' or 'BYUN BAEKHYUN is my FIANCE???!' Or 'I'm getting married to HIM?!'. Yeah... I'm not gonna read it. There's no thought whatsoever there; it's just 'this is the storyline. Read pls'. Have you ever honestly read a novel titled like that? No? Then don't use it for your fanfiction. I admit titles are difficult, but put in a little effort and people will honestly remember your story better. Was 'Anterograde Tomorrow' called 'Wait, you're DYING?!!' No? Yet you remember the story perfectly well. See? A little originality comes a long way. Titles actually mean a lot to a story- it's like giving your writing an identification badge. People will know your story by your title, not your content. Put in a little thought.

So I guess that's it. I'm well, well aware that I honestly became fairly angry writing a few of these, and that probably stands out pretty clearly. But I'm sick and tired of this sort of thing harming the name of fanfiction. Then again, I can't tell people not to write these things, and, obviously people still enjoy them. So... Good for you, keep it up if you're having fun. Just know that in a few years you'll look back and cringe so hard your jaw will break. As stated before, I'm guilty of a few of these in my early, early days of fanfiction, and although experience has gladly lifted me from the depths of cliché sameness, I do not think I'm better than anyone who writes this sort of thing. At all. It's personal preferences. Opinions.

Even if I do get fairly heated over them.

I suppose this is the last blog post for a while, until I think of something else to rant about. Until then, anyone who by some chance happens to read this- tell me what you think in the comments. What sort of things do you hate about writing/fanfiction? Are there any similarities between our views?

One more apology for any offence I have caused before I sign off: I'm sorry. Hate me in the comments if you want. I won't cry (much).



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I agree with you on this! Especially the ones written in 'You' and the Oh-So-Obvious-Titles. However on the cliches part, there are still some stories out there that started as cliche but turned out be not that cliche and interesting.
(4/4) beginning, I felt so unsure about my English that I asked some people to help me with translating so that it would make sense.
But if the writer has no friends like that, I can understand it, and then maybe I will still read it.

I think that's all ^^ There are surely more things, but it's all I can think of at this moment.

Gosh this comment is so loooooooooong >.>
About those profiles of idols, I do think they are useful sometimes! :P Like if your story takes place in an au, then a character introduction can be useful. Especially for forgetful people like me who always forget what they've read and are too lazy to go chapters back in the time just to find out who that character actually was. It's easy to just read the foreword again and then remember it, especially when authors take a long time to answer. That's my opinion :P

I have a title with a question and a hint of the content in it. Actually, it's my most popular story XD And yes, now that you say it, I admit that it's a bit weird and stupid, but some people told me they liked the title and thought it was very original, and that it was the reason why they read it :P So I'm not gonna change that ;P (I'm disagreeing with you on so many points today ._. sorry~ )

Anyway! What I would never write/ read is mpreg. I know that's stupid, there will possibly be some very good mpreg stories on here too, but I just can't read it! It's just not natural... My mind complains to me if I read that XD Lol But I think I could read it though, if they said it was thanks to genetic manipulation or something that they got pregnant? Because that's an explanation, and I believe I could be able to read it if the explanation made a bit sense. If there's no explanation at all, sorry but I won't read it.
What else... Let me think... Oh! Unrealistic stories... Like that it's their first time but there's no preparation yet they don't feel pain at all and such. Just doesn't sound realistic to me and annoys me. But I'm - of course- not an expert XD
Oh and like you said, too cliché story lines. But I don't really mind those if they are gay stories .-. Yes I know not very logical.
Oh and stories that are so badly written that you almost can't understand them... I dislike those. I know that I'm not good at English either, but I try to make my stories understandable .-. And in the (3/4)
Secondly, about the 'you' perspective. In my opinion, it's not always bad. I've even read books in that perspective. It's weird and takes a while to get used to, but to me it doesn't change the story. I believe a story can be good no matter what perspective you use. But if it's just used for an easy cliche love story, then it annoys me as well. I use this perspective for the beginning of every chapter in my 'imagine' story. It's just a few sentences, to make the reader try to imagine and understand the situation. Then the real story is written in 'he' perspective. And I think it fits the story :P But you said it already, it's a good perspective for imagines and the story is called imagine, so I guess it's logical then that I start with this perspective? I dunno... I just don't really agree with you on this XD And I have to admit I also used that username thing in one of my (okay my only one) oc/luhan story. That was merely because my friend had dared me to write straight , and so I knew the story was dumb already, so I added the username thing to make it funnier. But I got many reactions of confused people asking why their username was there XD That was indeed funny in the beginning, but then it started to get annoying :/ I will never use that thing again XD

About those Mary Sue characters... (I didn't even know that that word existed. Where does it come from? A book or something? ^^) That's one thing I haven't written I believe XD Good at least one thing I'm not guilty of XD I've written about myself as a character once (Dutch story) but I described myself as a 'weird girl' and I was Chanyeol's fake girlfriend, to hide the fact that he was gay.(But then he met Baekhyun and I tried to let them fall in love with each other) Ah that story was fun XD I tried to write about myself like how I really am. So I guess that's the total opposite of a Mary Sue character XD Oh and the OC's in my stories (like the one in 'Better Singer') are always crazy fangirls.(2/3)
I believe I've written all of these XD Omg~
Cliche story lines... Well I would hate to read them, especially in books, but I do believe I've written them too :P I'm... just not original enough I guess ._. *hides* Okay, it are gay versions of those storylines, but that doesn't change much, does it? I mean, I once started a fanfic called 'Are you my soulmate'... I believe it was -O.O my father just called me I have to go home, I will continue this comment when I come home-