What Is Wrong With Men Nowadays

why do we need feminism?



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Women are not objects! I am a 16 year old girl who feels the need to cover my body in public because of erted s like this. I am completely disgusted by that video and the comments on it.

Joke my you ers.

I swear, to all the guys supporting that dickweed's actions.

If you like those actions, then put your in the garbage disposal, and then turn on that er. And don't worry, your 'll definitely fit. They don't have a girth of 2 mm in the first place.

Let's see if you all still like the concept of treating your twizzler like a key trying to open every single lock out there.


Anti-feminist men, you need to do the world a favor, take a hammer, and then bang the sh*t out of your freaking heads to get them in order.

And if it ends up rendering you unconscious/incredibly ed up, then you just did the world a favor by rendering yourselves unable to speak.


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I can't believe it's 2014 and people still think this way. Shame... Sure women can vote, work jobs, and have a voice but not much has changed. In society women are looked down upon and we still get paid and are respected less than men. We need feminism!
PipTheTerror #2
The youtube comment section showing its awful face again. It justs shows the percentage of abused lonely unloved careless pricks out there in the world. Its digusting and quite sad(i'd still beat the living hell out of all them for not being blessed with a brain to think with.)
Exokitty2013 #4
Agreed !!!!!!
Oh. My. God... I will kill all of these guys! If anybody (that isn't my boyfriend) touched my , I would first shove my knee into their crotch and then beat the crap out of them! I know I am violent but it will teach them a lesson or at least leave them in pain. We are NOT objects and we deserve a lot more than the guys give us. What would happen to their sorry asses if we all went on strike? And to the guy that said we are pathetic, "The fact that you need us makes YOU the pathetic ones"

Yeah... turned into a rant