I Guess I'll Do This

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you then make 10 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 5 other people and link them to this post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


2NE1 Soshi's questions:


1. Did you read any of my stories? If so, why?

Yes, I have read... All of them actually, hahaha. I read What Am I? shortly after I got into kpop because it was HyoSica and that's my OTP. Most of your oneshots are also HyoSica or HyoTae which is a close second plus I enjoy your writing style.

2. What's your dream?

I don't really have one. I'm a person that finds it hard enough to get through and play out the day I'm on, let alone a day in the future. I guess if I could do anything I would want to be an author. My writing isn't that great though so it's a dream that will sadly never come to pass.

3. What/Who got you into kpop?

My sister actually got me into kpop but being a Shawol she wanted me to like Shinee, hahaha. We actually went to SMTown when it was in Anaheim, California and I got to see Shinee perform. 

4. First ever kpop addiction?

My first kpop addiction was absolutely After School. I believe After School is much too underrated, especially their subgroup Orange Caramel. They always bring something fresh and new to the scene such as the drunms, tap dancing, and pole dancing so I'm always looking forward to what they'll do next.

5. Teleport or Fly?

Fly, mostly because I'm the loner type and the sky would be a great place to escape. Being able to fly above the world and look down on everything would be a sight I think I could thoroughly enjoy. Not to mention being able to fly all over the world for free.

6. Meet your ultimate bias in your undies or watch them pass you by all the time like you're invisible?

Definitely meet my bias in my underwear. Why not man? It's definitely a conversation starter.

7. If you were to be in a group, which company, who's your members (noncelebrities) and what's your position?

Absolutely YG. YG is the best to the artists under them and allows them to freely express themselves and become involved in the album making process. I'd honestly prefer to go solo because I don't like relying on other poepl but if I absolutely had to be in a group I would want to be the leader and the rapper (like ma girl CL). My members would have to be my best friends because as members we need to be able to get along, seeing as we'll be with each other almost 24/7.

8. Only eat or only drink?

Drink. I already basically have an eating disorder so I only drink anyway. 

9. Be your favorite group's manager or the president of their fandom?

I would be the manager simply so I could take care of SNSD and protect them against overworking and the pressures of the company.

10. What country do you want as your second home?

If I could only pick one it would have to be England. I know most kpop fans would of course say South Korea but I've always found England to be exceedingly charming, plus it's in Europe and practically a train ride from all the amazing cities the continent has to offer.


My Questions:


1. What does love mean to you? Do you even believe in it at all?

2. Who is your favorie author on AFF and what's your favorite fic from them?

3. What is your favorite book that you've ever read?

4. If you could go back and change one thing in your life what would it be and why?

5. DO YOU LIKE FROZEN?!?! (Sorry hahaha, I love Frozen). And if so who was your favorite character?

6. What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone and why'd you do it?

7. What's your favorite color and is there any special reason you like that color?

8. Have you ever dated someone or currently are? What's the longest relationship you've ever been in? Was it a boy or a girl?

9. What was the last lie you told?

10. Who is the person you trust most in the world? Would you trust them with your life?


And by the power invested in me by being tagged, I shall now in turn tag my best buddy Datmao, my fellow author in Hotel Restlessness cotton_floss, an avid reader of mine Oneyami98, one of the best HyoTae authors eightaenine, and finally a new reader that always leaves the best comments LittlePanduh. I hope you enjoy the questions and if there's anything you specifically want to ask me feel free to tag me again when you do it. Until next time ~AfterSNSD



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eightaenine #1
"One of the best HyoTae authors." I'm slapping myself with potatoes because It's not true otl

I'll answer these on your wall later haha thanks for tagging!
Wait wahhh? You think I leave the best comments!? That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard[: I've always worried that what I say might be to cliche or too constructive. I'm glad you enjoy them~
I went to SMTown at Anaheim too. I went berserk when Hyoyeon went to my side and amber. Yup. I've liked hyoyeon ever since then. Specifically 11/12/2011 when IY2 aired. Gotta thank Amber for my snsd obsession. I watched it for her.