One Way

Isn't that a band name or something? o.O

Anyway, I officially have a one-way plane ticket to South Korea. I leave on Monday (at 6:10am EST - yuck!) and arrive on Tuesday at 4pm KST. Overall, I will travel about 16 hours which is actually pretty good considering I've seen some flights that take almost 35 hours. I stay for 365 days in the lovely city of Gwangju where I will teach adorable Kindergartners and Elementary school students how to speak English. Watching MBLAQ's Hello Baby has really helped because the kids in that show were (at the time) the age I will be teaching probably starting next week.

But the cool thing is: I'm not nervous.

Since 6th grade I've had Generalized Anxiety Disorder where I get too scared to function in normal life (let's just say, because of it, I missed the first 2 weeks of 6th grade, the first week of 9th grade, and my senior prom). But, for some reason, I'm not scared now. I mean I had an anxiety attack for less than 5 minutes until I realized that panicking would do me absolutely no good. I also realized the thing that will probably keep me going throughout all of this: I can't back out. No matter how much I cry, get sick, beg, or panic, I have to move forward. If I back out, nothing good will come out of it except I won't be scared anymore. My school can't just pick up a new teacher instantly to fill up my spot. They've been preparing for me to arrive since August so, if I don't show up, everything will go to waste. I can't let them down.

Hopefully I keep this mindset when I'm actually over there.


As for those stories of mine, I'll get to them eventually. I haven't had the slightest motivation to write anything at all. All I've done with my life these past few months is sit at my computer, watching Korean shows or Disney movies, and play games on Facebook like Bingo Blitz. And, to make matters worse, I had to literally sit there for about 30 seconds and think "What have I been doing these past few months?" Pathetic, no?

Now, I really wanted to use a gif to close out this blog post but I couldn't find something that would fit the theme of it so here's a completely unrelated gif:


Quick edit note: I keep looking at Insoo's bouncy hair in the gif o.O


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