I'm Sorry - The short Story That I'm showing to my subscribers!!!

I’m Sorry

She scowled at her Dad. Angry at this world, her life and everything.

“If only Mum was still alive! We wouldn’t have this kind of trouble!” She ran out the door frustrated and towards the old forest. It was the only place that can calm the fire raging inside her body.

“Ruby! Ruby! Come back!” her father called out to her, his voice dispersing in the wind.

It took her a long time to calm down. It started to rain by the time she regretted her words. She looked around and realised that she wondered far away from her safe spot in the forest.

Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled at Dad like that. He must have suffered more than me after Mum passed away, she thought. But it’s his fault that we owe a lot of debt to the landlady. Ever since Mum died, he gambles everyday hoping to ‘earn’ money to pay off rent.

The rain pounded heavily on her body. Her clothing soaked through. The ground became mushy and wet with water. Leaves on the trees danced in the wind. Ferns and plants dripped with rain water. The animals ducked for shelter. Ruby was the only creature standing in the rain, soaked to the bone and staring emptily like a zombie.

Her mind finally surfaced from the depths of her thoughts. She scanned her surroundings. The sound of the heavy rain abused her senses. She needed to go back home or seek shelter in the forest.

Ruby would rather go home than take shelter in the forest. She stumbled forward on the muddy ground, pushing the plants away from her as she made her way through the greyness of the rain. She didn’t know where she’s going but it’s better than being a sitting duck.

Ruby heard a sound. She looked around her. Seeing nothing made her realise that it was her stomach that produced the sound. Now she felt cold and hungry. Could this day get any worse? She wanted to curl up into a ball but Ruby thought that being active was the best choice for her.

Although it’s dark cold and raining, Ruby was not the least bit scared. She trudged on with her chin up looking for any dangers before taking a step forward.

It wasn’t long before she stopped at the shores of a fast flowing river. She stared at the other side. Even though the vegetation on the other side did not look familiar, Ruby felt that it should be or once had been. Curiosity grasped Ruby. Despite the huge rapids of the river, she set her foot in the water. Ruby felt the pressure in the water was too strong but she wanted to see what’s on the other side of the river. It was like something possessed her mind but inside she felt warm. She was certain it was her mother calling to Ruby from the other side.

Ruby. Ruby, you need to take care of your father, her mother’s voice echoed around her. The trees swayed as if agreeing.

“Mother?” Her voice cracked as she started to cry.

He is suffering right now. If you are gone he will no longer live with the loneliness. Please, take care of him.

“Mother!” Ruby shouted when she heard her mother’s voice slowly fading away.

She waded forward in the fast flowing river. Tears in her eyes. The water pushing against her legs.

Ruby’s legs couldn’t take the pressure pushing against her as she slipped on a rock. She was swept away by the angry river and yelled for help as the currant dragged her under. But help did not come as blackness closed in on her vision.


“Ruby! Ruby! Wake up!” Somebody crouched over Ruby and shook her shoulders.

Her eyelashes fluttered. She opened her eyes. When she focused on the person crouching over her, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Dad? What are you doing here?”

He hugged her with tears in his eyes, “I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done since Mom passed away. I promise I will get a decent job to pay our rent.”

“No, Dad, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for yelling in your face and running away only for you to come and find me. I’m sorry.” She started to cry again.

“Come, let’s go home.” Her Dad held his hand out for Ruby to take. As she stood up, her face brightened when she saw a transparent figure standing next to her Dad. Her mother smiled warmingly at her. The trees and vegetation around them seemed to be glowing with joy. Even the ground was glowing too.

“My precious Ruby,” her voice echoed around the forest.


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