〈❝디-Klass❞ 〉 Matsuri Jin Ryuuji



Matsuri Jin ryuuji




 username — geekielove/ CC_ParkHyungSeok

nickname — Alex

activity rate — 9


name  Matsuri Jin Ryuuji
stagename  — Dragon

nickname — X

birthdate — 01/05/1990

birthplace — Kyoto, Japan

hometown — Kyoto, Japan

ethnicity — Japanese-Korean

language — 1st: Japanese

2nd: Korean: His godfather and him studied it   together

3rd: English: Studied in school.


I'm y and I know it

i'm y and i know it



face claim — Go Sang Gil

gallery — 1 2 3 4 5

Backup face claim — Park Hyung Seok

gallery — 1 2 3 4 5

appearance —He looks exactly like his pictures.

Height: 184cm

Weight: 68kg 

He has one tattoo on his arm (Like the above photo) that says 'Matsuri'. Which is his godfather's and his adopted last name.

fashion style — Ryuuji has one style: sophisticated and unique. His style is very similar to CNU's (B1A4). It is similar to CNU's dark outfit in the music video lonely. His wardrobe consists of skinny jeans, cargo pants, sweaters, button cover ups, button up shirts, scarfs, and a lot of jackets. 1 2 3 He finds reasonably priced and unique items by shopping at markets and going to thrift stores.



yano about me?



plotline — Lead/Vocal (I'm really fine with any position that fits his age group. :) )

Vocal Twin: Kim JaeJoong

traits — quiet, smart, observant, motherly, introvert


personality — When people observe Ryuuji they  describe him as being a model student or a perfect person. As Ryuuji grew up, he always aimed to be a perfect person, so his godfather would never be dissapointed in him and because he did not want to risk the chance of becoming like his parents. When people see him he is quiet, keeps to himself, but kind. He was always the one people came to in school when they had a problem with assignments and no matter if he was feeling annoyed or stressed, he would always answer kindly. Even though he is lonley trying to live out the life of the perfect student, he still keeps on his 'maks', fearing to let out his true self. When he notices himself starting to open up to others, he freaks out and shuts down, becoming cold and even more distant. No one, besides his bestfriend and godfather, has cared enough about him to notice why he does not open up or even try to stay by his side when he closes up.

           When Ryuuji's mask is removed he becomes much more than a model student. He loves going to arcades, zoos, parks, libraries, and street markets. Anything outside, he usually enjoys. He is very polite, and the type that opens the doors for others and reaches for high things on a shelf when other people can't. His godfather often describes him of the mother of their little family, because he is usually the one scolding Kaien for his childish behavior and nagging about the messes he always leaves around the house. One thing that catches people off gaurd when they know the real Ryuuji is his sense of humor. He has a corny sense of humor and when he is himself he ends up cracking up at the lamest of jokes.

 A flaw in his personality, that he dreds and wishes that he can control is his anger. It takes him a while to get angry, but when he does, he explodes. He does not curse at others or get physical, but he yells and usually  stays in a horrible mood for an hour. Another flaw he struggles with is his inability to talk to others about his problems. He opens up, slightly, to his best friend and grandfather about problems. He does not want to burden anybody or make them worry about him.


background — When Ryuuji was two years old, his parents left him with his godfather, Kaien, so they can pursue a career overseas. As he grew up, he did not have any contact with his parents. The first few years after his parents left, he believed his parents would come back. He soon gave up, though, and began to hate his parents. Ryuuji looks at his godfather as he parent and loves him more than anybody. As he grew up, many girls were atracted to his silent, mysterious, and aloof personality. So, he dated quite a a few girls, but the girls always broke it off with him because he never seemed interested and would never be affectionate or intimate. When he entered high school, he and the 'prince' of the school secretly started dating.After a year and a half of dating, someone caught them kissing and the 'prince' accused Ryuuji of jumping him. His classmates started harrassing him, he did not care, but his godfather could not bear to see it, so he decides to transfer them to Korea. He moved to Korea in the begining of his junior year and was amazed by the culture and food. When he was not in school or studying Korean with his godfather, Ryuuji was out exploring the streets of Korea.

             One day, while visiting a street market, he met Takuma Atsushi (best friend). Him and his family moved from Japan to Korea when Atsushi was seven years old and started selling food at the market (Korean and Japanese food). They quickly became friends; Atsushi's bubbly, kind, and persistant personality would not let Ryuuji hide behind his mask. During his senior year,  he started working at the market with Atsushi. To bring in more business, he would sing, dance, or rap to bring in more customers. That is how he was found by a talent agent. The talent agent gave Ryuuji his card and told him to contact him if he was interested in working in the entertainment business. At first he was hesitant on calling, but after being persuaded by his godfather and the Takuma family, he set up an appointent and quickly became a trainee at the age of 19.

              In the beginning of his trainee days, Ryuuji became depressed from rarely seeing his godfather and worried constanly about him. That was when he began to smoke. When Ryuuji would not stop smoking, even after his agencies warnings about the bad habit, the agency contacted Kaien. Kaien was really surprised that, the strong minded Ryuuji, could be so affected by not seeing him so much. The agency allowed Ryuuji to go home for a month to visit his godfather and one of the rarest occassions happened when he arrived home, Kaien scolded him for his bad behavior. After a month of staying home, he went back to the agency, feeling closure about the decision to leave home and become an idol. He still went home often when he was free to see his godfather and the Takuma family.



likes — 

-reading manga

-going to a cafe after hanging out at the arcade

-hanging out with Atsushi and group memembers

-chocolates and pastries

-purple (color)


-meeting fans

-watching variety shows

-when he meets Japanese people in Korea



-Taking long car rides

-fruity candies

-dislikes demanding and selfish people (but usually ends up dating them)

-messy dorm rooms

-ttokboki (anything with chili sauce)


-reporters/fans that start rumors




hobbies — 

-Taking walks

-reading for fun at the library




-Smokes when he is very stessed (In the procees of trying to break this habbit)

-Usually sighs and pinches the younger members cheeks when they are misbehaving 

-Starts dancing when a song he likes comes on

-Runs his hand through his hair when he is embarressed

-Always carries chocolate in his bag or his pockets

-munches on pocky when he is in public and trying not to smoke



-Graduated top in his class (Was number 1 every year)

-Grew up cooking, because his godfather is a horrible cook

-Was born on strawberry day

-Enjoys celebrating holidays

-Loves chocolate and pastries

-Not good with long car rides

-Enjoys traveling and studying languages and different cultures

-Knows how to play the cello

-Did not have any true friends growing up

-Secretly reads fanfiction about his group, especially the ones between him and his love interest

-openly gay

-If he wasn't an idol, he was going to be a teacher like Kaien

-'scholar' of the group; enjoys tutoring the younger memembers

-Dream: To marry his partner one day



family is everything



family — Matsuri Kaien | Godfather | 42 | Teacher/'Mother' |-doting-motheryly-hyper-respectable-loyal-mature when needed| Closeness: 9 | They both love each other very much. Even though Ryuuji works hard to be the best student, when he is with Kaien, he is his true self. They enjoy going to zoos, parks, and getting pastries when they are out together.


— Komatsu Asano | Father | 46| Designer/Photographer/Model | -selfish-quiet-workaholic-mature| Closeness: 1 | They have not seen each other since they Ryuuji was 2 years old. He has tried to get ahold of his son once or twice, but Ryuuji does not reply.


--Kim Eun Ja |Mother | 43 | Designer/Model | -conceited-selfish-childish-loud-happy-immature | Closeness: 1 | They have not seen each other since Ryuuji was two years old. She has tried to get ahold of Ryuuji once or twice, but Ryuuji does not reply.



and so you are



friends — 

—  Takuma Atsushi (OC) | Aquintance | 23 | Occupation | -loud-sporty-hyper-bubbly-kind | Closeness: 9| Atsushi is Ryuuji's one friend and best friend. When aren't working, they can often be found together playing games at an arcade or trying different foods at street markets. Even though Atsushi has many friends from his school, he considers Ryuuji his best friends.




i love you like a love song baby









love interest — another applicant

backup love interest — Jay Park

personality — His love interest is social and loved by everybody. He is responsible and works hard no matter what he is doing. Like Ryuuji, everybody can always come to him, but he truly gives them all of him and does not hide behind a mask.

relationship —At first Ryuuji was his masked self around him, but his love interest worked very hard to become his friend and remove his mask. Soon after that they started dating.

When they finally become friends, they spend a lot of time together, trying to get to know about each other and each others interests.


Dating Relationship: They do not show a lot of affection in public, but when they are alone they can be very affectionate with each other. They both get a little shy when they are being affectionate, but they love each other.



i'll miss you!



comments/suggestions — I hope you like Ryuuji! Please tell me if I need to improve an area! :)

I really would like another applicant to be Ryuujis love interest. The description I put down is how I'd want Jay Park to be portrayed, but if it is an applicant, I would like them to be really different from Ryuuji. Someone who can not only make him feel happy, but frustrate him enough to remove his 'mask' and make him angry. Or something along the lines of that.

haha, I'm just really interested in having a different character that someone made up be in a relationship with him. ^-^


Song: 13 Stars

Shows: Hello Counselor, Hello Baby, After School Club


scene requests — Ryuuji's parents come back and try to claim that he belongs to them once they see that he is an idol.

I had more ideas...but i they slipped! DX Can I get back to you? :)


password — Top Dog ^^


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