Classmate Problem!!!

I have a male classmate and I always angry at him. Because he is so boastful and he said that I like him but I didn't. He feel that he is so handsome but he didn't. 



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NatsuIgneel #1
Hahaa.. well, tell me more about it cx. well, he said that you like him, actually what your reaction to him other than scolding him all the time?? Maybe before this you may help him n studying or else?? Because some guy that always trying to make you angry actually trying to get your attention. Well, it depends on the situation and the type and behavior of the boy you handling. But be careful, some guys are totally jerk ^^" . If you feel uncomfortable with his behavior (*because sometimes the rumors u like him may spread fast*) just ignore it. He will feel to stop disturb u again as there is no funny-angry reaction that you gave and instead will move to other person ^^. If you want to end it fast just meet and ask him personally to stop make u feel angry all the time and if he did not change a bit.. just kick his leg to show you seriously angry/wide-open at him..
*errr.. sorry if my comment is tooo long. gomen! >m<
thats anoying :/, just ignore him, he will get tired of it ;)
suhologram #3
Hey ^^

I kinda know what you're talking about :P
Have you ever tried to avoid talking to him when he does that?