^_^ Click!

So hey guys :)

I have this classmate and I think she's already deciding she wants to be a singer...

though tbh, I really love her not autotune voice! 

In school, she sings with a very powerful and strong natural voice  (especially singing English songs)

Though she's a bit crazy (like 三八 sometimes) but I guess she's not a bad person (just got to know her a bit more in psychology class xD)

Please support her!!

So, here's her first MV:


And yes, like the MV, her name is Shiny.

But just recently, she shared a story MV (title is basically "Wall" in Chinese)

And, tbh that is our school uniform/school campus and stuff if you're wondering xD

I'll update the translation here later but her's the video first :)



Girl 1: Yo! Yo! You see? He's like this. Always seeing the message but not replying.

Girl 2: Let me tell you, just call him directly.

Girl 1: No way!

Girl 2: Ey! Shiny! So do you really have anyone you like?

*Bell rings*

Shiny: Hee!

Girl 2: Ey! Ey!

(So the guy at 0:24 should be the guy she has a crush on)

*Bell finishes ringing*

Teacher: Alright, students. Pop quiz.

(0:40 a fake school fair at the basketball court behind the second school building)

(0:43 The sign in front of the guy basically means from left to right, up to down: Registration Place for Anime/Japanese anime Club)

(*Girl sings Avril Lavigne: Sk8ter Boi)

Boy 1: Ay! I can't see!

Boy 2: Oh. Come! Um, sorry (classmate, literally), excuse me.

Boy 2: Wow. This female lead singer is so hot.

Boy 1: I really want to be that microphone stand.

Boy 2: Wow. Too (lmao) downstream (basically, dirty or unfair in a way).

Boy 1: This type of feeling is only one word: Great (Good)!

Boy 3: You two XueDi (Basically juniors or like dongsaengs/people younger than you that are at your school), are too superficial. The band's central light, is not the female lead singer, it's the keyboard girl.

*stares at Shiny dreamily*

Girl 1: Thank you everyone!! We'll welcome anyone who wants to join in the pop (popular) music club! Does anyone want to sign up?

Crowd: Oooooh!! (but it sounds like a bunch of "Me!Me! Me!" s to me xD)

Boy 2: I'm in love now.

Boy 3: Then, I'm in a love triangle.


Shiny: Ey! There's so much people who signed up today!

Girl 1: Do you think I sang really bad today?

Shiny: No ah~

Girl 1: Really?

Shiny: En (basically like a nod of your head xD)

Girl 1: Luckily I didn't sing wrong.


*Phone suddenly rings (Lmao)*

Shiny: You...Do you...wanna join the pop music club?

Crush: No need, thank you.

Shiny: Then, that's good. Bye-Bye.


Shiny: *heartbeat pounding* Ay. What was I Do~~ing?! What pop music club?!

Shiny: Hey! What are you drawing?

Shiny: Really? Wow, your drawings are really good.

Shiny: 哪有啊 (It's like saying, "yeah right~" in a shy way XD)

Shiny: Do you go home immediately after school?

Shiny: Okay ah! (x2)


Music Lyrics Translation (I may need some help for editing later though ;_;)

你的創作 天馬行空

Nǐ de chuàngzuò tiānmǎxíngkōng

Your creations (are wondrous --> literal translation: like a pegasus flying across the sky; basically meaning without limits/vast)
你的世界 難以觸碰

nǐ de shìjiè nányǐ chù pèng

Your world is difficult to touch/reach

wǒ zhǐ néng yuǎn yuǎn shǒuhòu

I can only wait from a distance

jùlí de xūgòu

of the fictional distance

yǐnxíng de wēnróu

invisible gentleness
我的故事 沒人能說

wǒ de gùshì méi rén néng shuō

My story no one can say
我的世界 只想你懂

wǒ de shìjiè zhǐ xiǎng nǐ dǒng

My world (I just) want to only let you know

nǐ de mèngxiǎng de lúnkuò

The contours of your dreams

shìfǒu huì yǒu wǒ

Will there be me?


zài nǐ huà lǐ chàngyóu

In the (your) paintings that sing



Ending phrase:

Tommorow, (I'll) try harder


To be continued...



I can't wait for it to come out  :)


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ohseingunf #1
Wow.i really like her! She's pretty good,
Woah your classmate is cool. Though sometimes I think when somebody sings the words are slurred so that's how her words sounded like to me. It's her first time right? She kept looking at the camera and smiling. Kinda gives away her newbie aura. No offense. Maybe it's cuz of the dancing. I like her red shirt though.
The first mv reminded me of AKMU's 200% and Give Love mvs haha.

Dude if that's really how you guys wear your skirts then damn your skirts are short.

And honestly, for the second vid after seeing the guy's reaction when she asked him about the club, I'm like "why would you say '那就好' shouldn't you be upset that he isn't joining instead of sounding relieved he isn't joining like oh great he isn't joining"?

Lol I sound like a hater lmao bye
Sorry for the double comment, I forgot to precise that the second part of the comment was for the second video xD
The song was good! But that guy... when he just left I was like 'YOU ' xD