I cannot keep it in anymore! TT^TT

I used to complain when I was still a new member of this site, but then I forgot all about it and chose to focus more on what I read and write. But now it strikes back again and I feel so pressured that I can't keep it any longer. Please don't feel insulted about what I'm about to write or bad or anything like that^^' I know that it's just a phase and it's going to pass, but still...

Yeah, it's about the comments I receive on my stories. Or rather about the comments I DON'T receive TT.TT

I'm definitely not the best writer around here! Not even close to those top ones, I know. And I know that people nowadays read and rarely leave a comment behind, but I really cannot understand their reason. I'm a reader as well as a writer and maybe when I read new chapters I don't always comment on each of the updates, but at some point I do leave feedback for the writer and all because I know it will please them. And then again, I comment because sometimes I cannot hold in my inner spazzing or I feel like sharing my opinion on what I've just read. But no, my stories rarely get any comments (ok, there are some readers that leave a comment on each update, but they are no more than three or four, sometimes even less). I don't understand where I got it wrong. I'm seriously doubting my capacity as a writer these days TT^TT Maybe I lost my touch (or maybe I never had it, ha!) and it ended up by no longer entertaining the readers. But then why do they subscribe to my stories? *-* Some chapters have hundreds of views and yet just one or two comments... why? If there's someone who could enlighten me, I'd be more than happy.

I know that I should probably shouldn't complain about this since there are a lot of writers that go through the same thing and I'm nothing better than any of them, but I needed to take it out or I would have exploded, I swear! TT^TT

Anyway *sigh* sorry for the small rant. I'll just go back to being the happy kid that I am and leave some comments on a story or two :)

P.S. I sincerely wish we, the AFF community would make #thecommentchallenge like that ice bucket challenge and switch it with five comments per five different stories. Maybe then we'd make some people happy (even me!) :D Yeah, crazy kid here ^~^


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loveFORyunho #1
In all honesty, it's not about your writing skills. It's really just about people and whether they're willing to write a comment or not. Out of hundreds of subscribers, I used to only get 5 comments per update. There are a ton of silent readers out there unfortunately.
Nu stiu daca am comentat la fiecare postare, sau daca am comentat atat de des pe cat ar fi trebuit. Daca nu am facut-o imi cer scuze. Stiu ca munca neapreciata are un gust amar, mai stiu ca iti urmaresc cu mare interes postarile si ca le citesc cu drag. Iti admir talentul, iti admir tenacitatea, este usor sa incepi o poveste , dar este greu sa perseverezi , sa o finalizezi .
Regret daca am ingrosat numarul cititorilor tacuti. Nu e frumos din partea mea si imi recunosc greseala. Pe de alta parte, se spune ca o greseala recunoscuta este pe jumatate iertata, asa ca fac apel la inima ta sensibila si la mintea ta agera sa pledeze in favoarea noastra a cititorilor tacuti din diverse motive.
Toate cele bune !
those lazy people, dont mind them okay bae :)
I'm guilty of not commenting at all even though the story is really good. I'd definitely keep it in mind to comment in the future!^^
i know how you feel. i have come to accept that not many people are reading my stories (judging from views and the chapter statistics) and so the number of comments are low. i blame my titles and descriptions, but that's my problem and i am not saying that is going to be the same for you (because i think you get more views). because I know how frustrating it is as a writer to not receive comments, i now always leave comments on every chapter i read on other people's stories. it is because of what other people have said, it's mostly laziness that there are no comments and not your skills.
Don't beat yourself up, dear, it's not you nor your stories, it's the lazy people. When I read a story, I try to make it a habit to leave a comment once in a while cause I know it makes the author happy but to be honest, most of the time it's so bothersome that it feels like a chore.
There have been two stories in the history of AFF where I've left a comment after each chapter because I've actually had things to say and I've read hundreds of stories here. The two are Der Märchenclub and Trickster (this story has been removed, don't bother looking for it). They were so insanely mind boggling that I had to had to had to comment all the time but other than that, I'm usually struggling to find anything to say. That's not to say that other stories that I've read haven't been as good, it's just that I've enjoyed them in a different way. Anyway my point is to not take it personally.
#Thecommentchallenge would be awesome! I think it would motivate a lot of people to leave more feedback and hence more people to actually write stuff. I think that the more authors and stories the better! :D
I have to say I'm guilty of being a silent reader most of the time, but whenever I read a fic with few comments I leave a comment to encourage the author al least a bit.
There was actually a project going around to help authors get more comments (Tigress's idea) and it had quite a good response at first but I think after that people stopped commenting again...
Unless there's some kind of reward I don't know how much things will change :/