Dong Bang Shin Ki

So recently, or to be detail, around this evening, i watched family outing with yunho and junsu as the guests . And I freakin miss junsu in variety show. I miss his laugh. I miss everything about tvxq. The old tvxq. I used to laugh alone and never bother what happen next to me when I watch them. And when Im scrolling my timeline in twitter, i saw some tweets about JYJ performance in Incheon Asian Game. Omo. I really wanna watch it live but living in hostel with limited channel and it have been a long time ago since I enjoy watching tv make me miss to watch the live performances. The TVXQ feels is still in me since they are the first group who manage to drag me stuck in kpop world for almost ten years. I try to stop but still cannot do so. I kiss to watch their mini drama. During that time, mini drama from the groups are really famous. I miss to watch Dating to the Earth. I miss to watch their mini drama about their past girlfriend before they debut. And the part max changmin lied to his hyungs by adapting a drama as his love story is freakin funny eventhough his story suppose to be sad. His girlfriend died becuase of her bad health. But uncertainly , his hyungs find out his storyline is same like a drama. Hihihi. Kyeopta. And remember the mini drama about crazy girl who used to kidnap Junsu and Max in the jungle (?) I guess. The girl is lying to making them look so sick but they are actually in good condition. Okay what a random thing Im typing here. Dont care about me. I just miss TVXQ badly.


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AnneJongin #1
Omo i miss them too ×_× All those memories will never fade. I miss the old DBSK with yunho junsu jaejoong changmin yoochun and all. I miss em so bad ><