9/17 My Birthday Post......

My Birthday

September 17,

Today I am finally 15 yrs old. Two years away from graduation and three years away from being an 18 year old. I can't believe it still. I can remember my past childhood like if it was yesterday, good and bad. I'm getting older by the years pass. I have met wonderful people,friends,teachers,adults. I'm thankful to many of them without them I would never succeed what I have until now and going for more accomplishments. I have grew distant to special childhood friends from school. I am now distant to very special childhood friends since I can remember, always together almost like a family. I am happy to gave know them all and remember them forever. I don't know but today on my 15th birthday its not like the dreams many girls dream of but I have my family and friends. Saranghae 
Kpop, I also want to thank kpop to coming into my life. I feel happy, relax and free with Kpop. My obsession with the kpop idols make me smile and laugh. The music touches my feelings and the lyrics touch my heart. Through Kpop I have also met many new and wonderful friends tht share the same interests in kpop. We share many things in common related with Kpop. Thank you KPOP
I am crying right now but I am really emotional with things and maybe I'm crying because I know my dad doesn't even know today was my birthday. I am used to it by now it always happens. He never pays attention to us unless its about school so I'm kind of sad my dad doesn't even know I'm 15 today. I have never received a hug from him since my 5th birthday. But I still am happy he is my dad and love him to a limited level since he wasn't close to me. But he is my hero the reason I am here and working hard to achieve a better life here in the USA, the life he couldn't get in Mexico. Thank you papi. 
My mom was always with me she knows everything about me I am thankful to have her. She understands my sadness towards my dad since she also was in the same situation with her dad. Mami, Saranghae. 

I'm going now. Byebye chingus. Gona enjoy today since its my 15th year. The start of a new stage of life, more a head of me. 
**I'm emotional right now and writing lets me calm down.**


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feliz cumpleaños atrasado !!!
Muchos saludos desde Chile
Sorry for the belated greetings but happy birthday! /hugs you/
WHAT??? You are 15 O_O!! Wow that's really young. Don't worry about your dad, I thought I was the only one but all dads do that and it is kind of heart breaking but try not to focus on your father because you will only feel hurt at the end :c Just enjoy your youth because you are still so young. You lucky Dog! Haha, you thanking Kpop xD when are you going to try jpop? Okay, I must admit kpop is more lively and cool :/ but I still support my people :) Well, I will sing for you but I will make it short. *imagine me as Suho, that will make it more special*

*singing* Happy Birthay to you x2 Hurray! *_* sorry for my failed singing. Okay, I love you and wish you all of the best today, I hope you will grow wiser and just have fun. Forget about the haters. Happy 15 b-day and enjoy (~^.^~)

*kiss from Suho* xD
Happy birthday ^^