Tell Me I'm Not Alone

So, before I start writing the real post, can you guys let me smash my keyboard for a few minutes? Thank you.


I'm okay now. Thanks. So, shall we start with this crap?

Do you guys sometimes feel frustrated about one thing? Or everything?

Well, I do.

So please, tell me I'm not alone. I feel like a poop left in the middle of a rain. ;___;

I have my frustrations. Writing is one. I feel frustrated in writing. I couldn't continue my fics because of that, and I even had to put some fics of mine in draft status.


I hate this.

I'm sorry.

Maybe school added up to my frustrated feeling. Projects needed to be done, papers needed to be written, researches needed to be... err... researched, and exams needed to be passed; those were the things that made my life somehow... miserable? No, that word is too much. Difficult? Not really. Exasperating? I don't think so.

You see? I couldn't even think of a suitable word to describe this feeling!

I feel lost. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Maybe I just need some sleep. Or chocolates. Yes, I need some chocolates to brighten my day.

*dashes to the nearest convenience store to buy chocolates*




So, *munch munch* I'll end this post here. Sorry for taking up your time. *munch munch*

P.S. For those people who experience the same frustrating feeling like I do, just always remember these:

[gif credit to owners]


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I know exactly how you feel. My fics have been frustrating me too.