So after seeing my DL hubby Robin Thicke...

So I just had the pleasure of witnessing the beautiful/awesome/amazingness that is Mr. Robin Thicke, one of the few idols that I truly have respect for and adore dearly. I knew he was all that I mentioned beore but being able to see it up-close and so intimately, I damn-near died on the inside.

It was when he sung this song that I started to tear up and just start thinking...



Before he sang this song, he asked the audience who had a love with them at the moment. Then he asked who is looking for a sweet love *points to self* I pitied myself for a moment but it's only because all I want is someone to love me that I love instead of learning to love him. I don't want to just have to learn to accept him because he does things I don't like and I don't want to just live with it. I want to really love him, flaws and all. I want to know what "sweet love" is. I know I'm still young and I have time but I feel like I am missing someone. When he sang those lyrics, it was the first time I really listened to them. He was speaking to me and made me start imagining my life but the only problem is the one I want to be with that is within my grasp doesn't see me that way and is in a relationship and the person I picture is someone I wouldn't even know where to find. His name is Travis. He's artistic, he's beautiful all around and he has a voice that serenades me whether he's singing or just talking. He's Vietnamese and Native American (interesting mix, huh?) and he only exists in my mind. Just want some lovin', is all...

I need to start writing songs and drawing pictures about this ...if I try to make a story, it'll probably just end up sad.


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Quwanda #1
Oh wow these dreams they must be sending some messages? ..
Cause besides some Taemin dreams I been having these about my school crush lately
Quwanda #2
Oh god, well that is deep. I'm young myself, near Taemin' s age (17) I dont know Love yet....I mean how it feels to love that certain someone..certain guy...I'm still Idk'm srry if it ain't helpin' yah. ♥♥ (hugs) just try harder is what i would say but I may be just wrong and to young to understand (parents would say) btw cool You got to meet robin thicke♥♥★