FanFic Update #1

FanFic Update!

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   Okay, so this will be my first FanFic Update the format is like this:

Title: ---------

Chapter Working On: -------

Amount of Characters: ---------

Amount of Words: --------

Progress: --------

Possible Update Date: -------

Link: -------

Yes, I will be updating my apology gallery soon.

**The format might change, but that's pretty much it.

"Possible Update Date" will usually be left blank.

And if you gyuys don't know, the reason why I haven't been updating is b/c of these reasons:

*It's not summer vacation anymore

*I have prep school or some other school after school/on weekends everday!

Sunday: Language classes 9:00 AM - 11:45 PM (I get home later b/c I hav 2 wait for my bro or my cousins cus we go 2gether)

Monday: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM (usually we're dismissed late)

Tuesday: 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM (Tuesday & Thursday classes were just added)

Wednesday: Same as Monday's

Thursday: Same as Tuesday's

Friday: Same as Monday's and Wednesday's

I have barely any free time.

*I get distracted easily

*2nd legit week of school and this is when homework is going to increase.

*I'm taking classes in science and math for the next grade so I'm busy


Enough garbage, let's move on to the actual update!

Title: I Have A Secret

Chapter Working On: 5

Amount of Characters: 1793

Amount of Words: 373

Progress: 10%-ish done

Possible Update Date: End of this month...?

Link: I Have A Secret



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