Semi-hiatus PLEASE READ

Okay, so first of all, thank you for reading this.

If you are subscribed to any of my stories then you would probably think, 'gosh, hiatus again?!' due to the lack of updates I release. I admit, I'm not the best authors out there, giving you regular updates up to the point of, what, nearly a chapter up each day? I'm not complaining, I love authors like that but we can't all be what we want now, can we?

However, school has just started and I'm dumped in hell to put it simply.  Barely two weeks in and I have already got more assignments and revisions and homeworks to do in preparation for all of these real exams in two to three weeks than I can count. And I feel even more stressed when I think about the stories I have to update, like as if school wasn't bad enough I have to worry about people unsubscribing to my stories just because I don't update often?! 

So, I have decided to not worry about subs anymore, and that if you want to unsub then feel free because it's your decision and I respect that. I just feel as guilty as hell every time I see the updated date, like I wince literally when it calculates nearly two months ago or whatever since the last chapter was posted for that story. I feel extremely bad for not giving you guys the frequent updates that you deserve because there are a lot of you out there that are simply amazing, aways commenting after each chapter of all of my stories, telling me to update soon because you can't wait to read the next chapter. 

Anyway, back to the point, I think all of you would agree that school is more important than fanfiction and as much as I love these two boys, unlike most authors I find on here I'm not working because I'm still in school so my future is not yet settled. Yet, I'm not heartless to start several stories and then leave you guys on the first few chapters.

My solution is to have a semi-hiatus. Not a full one (God I can't stay away from them for so long) but I will still be on here and you can still read, comment and sub to my stories or talk to me but what I'm saying is updates will be slow. And I hope you can understand my reasons behind this choice, because I don't know about your family but if I don't get good grades my parents will disown me. 

I will be juggling my time between proper revision, completing everything set by the school and finishing some of the stories I have currently up there, and when I complete a chapter I will post it. So technically speaking (or typing, whatever), there will still be updates but it is slower than usual. And yes, I'm normally really slow anyway I'm sorry. 

To my subscribers who have read everything up until here, thank you. To others who are just reading this for the sake of it, thank you(?). 

Oh, and regarding when will this semi-hiatus be over...hmm, to be honest I think this will probably last around a month or so, because it's only during this term am I extremely busy (you all have no idea the number of hours I skipped lunch just to finish my textiles project ;A; ). I hope you will still support me like the loyal group you are and I will update as soon as possible!

Now, I have to go and start my history homework. Bai bai! 



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