Congrats for Having 100 Friends + Good News^^

Yay!! 100 friends!!

Thanks a lot for friending me you guys^^

And good news is... I'll roleplay someone from a group. It's local group here.

Can't tell 'cuz it's secret between me and that group.

But... who am I roleplaying to? It's obvious... There are many hints already.


Bad news: Almost out of idea for MyKON, but I'll try to finish 2nd chapter ASAP :D

Maybe these 2 weeks, I'll submit this first 3 chapter to my local publisher for negotiating. And we'll see the results if they're accepting my creation or not...


So, wish me luck for finishing my assignments, Final Exam for the end of next month thus finishing my debut novel, OK?^^

TQVM once again for 100 friends who friending me :')


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