I'm sick of this

I'm sick of people saying I'm someone I'm not. It not only upsets me, but now they have one of my friends crying because they had people having a go saying I wasn't who I said I was. I am who I say I am, and who are you to say who I'm not? How do I know you are even who you say you are? Seriously guys, trust is a big part of friendship and if you won't trust me how can we be friends…


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I feel you bro.
Don't let what other's say affect you.
We all know you're a great person <3
dang. that's harsh. i have people saying stuff like that around me too
just ignore them and be who you want to be. you are you and only you can say to yourself who you are.
that was kinda cheesy but it's true! stay strong!
and i realized we were friends on AFF but we really didn't talk. i try to be friendly to all my friends on AFF so hi :)
Yuhannie? What happened?
Be strong, chingu.. *pat ur shoulder*