More Evidence About Michael Brown




BREAKING: Two White Construction Workers Who Witnessed Michael Brown Shooting Appear In Newly-Released Video Stating “He [Michael Brown] Had His ing Hands Up” [TW: Graphic Content]

NOTE: Watch the video by clicking through the picture above.

In new footage obtained by CNN, two contractors working in Ferguson, Mo. the day Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown react to the teen’s killing, with one throwing up his hands and shouting, “He had his ing hands in the air!”

The men, who asked to be kept anonymous, told CNN’s Randi Kaye that they watched Wilson chase Brown, whom they claim threw up his hands and pled, “OK, OK, OK” before being fired on with his back turned. “The cop didn’t say get on the ground. He just kept shooting,” one said.

The video, taken minutes after the shooting, would appear to be congruent with previous eyewitness reports that not only was Brown unarmed, but that he had also put his hands up in clear surrender and Wilson fired anyway.

[H/T Huffington Post // Video via CNN]

Source: Aleksander Chan for Gawker

All the information



so many statements that all add up and still

no arrest

Darren Wilson.

Shoots an unarmed black teenager and what does he get?


-Over 200K in donations by people claiming that they are "White America" and that Brown deserved it. Link to that:

-Is on PAID LEAVE by the police department



What do the citizens of Ferguson get?

-Michael Brown's parents wil now forever mourn the unjustified death of their son.

-A militarized police force firing tear gas canisters and "rubber" bullets at the PEACEFUL PROTESTORS.

-KKK/pro-Wilson(White) protestors protesting against them, their arguments filled to the brim with racism.



All of this racism sh*t just sickens me.

You can apparently get hundreds of thousands of dollars for killing someone who is of another race than you. WHY.


POC are underprivileged in this world in comparison to the dominant/privileged race in this world (you all know which race I am talking about).

I will refrain from mentioning that race directly however to avoid antagonizing them.


America. Just get your sh*t together.


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