Reviewer Notice

If you want me to comment on your story and I don't do so automatically, please accept my apology. I say this considering that I have this habit of checking out other people's story out or trying to finish up their stories and so forth, please let me know if you want me to comment/review your stories.  The thing is that I usually subscribe to other people's stories and in doing so, I don't really comment or review automatically which again, I do apologize for in advance. The reason is because usually unless you state/request/tell me in your author's note, commentary, or the foreword in your stories, then  I usually try to comment on people's stories and fanfictions when I'm done reading it or when I have caught up to where the person left off.  I swear that it  may seem like I'm a silent reader but in actuality, I just take my time with comments and reviewing other people's story if I read them.

Note that I also try to review people's fanfictions when I have time but a fair warning in advance: I'm not really good at grammar/punctation errors and pointing them out unless it's very obvious or really evident (as I witnessed in fanfiction) and/or the spelling error's wrong.  I can somewhat tell you if your plot's lacking or your characters need work, that kind of stuff but I'm not that great  when it comes to anything grammar/punctation since I'm still learning. If I do notice something, however, I will let you know though.  I'd like to mention that I usually always try to leave a good/nice review or try to be helpful but if you don't want that or have any problems/concerns/questions, please let me know! Otherwise, I read fanfictions on my own time for the enjoyment of what each and every author on this site has to bring to the table. Please note that I'm also a part-time college student (and sometimes it gets busy) and I'm seeking a part-time job, still learning how to drive, and have other needs and activities to attend to. So please be patient with me if I don't get around to your fanfiction yet.  


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