Typing on a school computer waiting for class.

I'm currently waiting for my Microbiology class to start. I grew bacteria last week in class and today we finally get to see our results.


Not gonna lie I'm a bid terrified. We had to take 2 samples from our body and two from around the school. I took a sample from my left hand and from under my fingernails. Even I don't know where my hands been xD. JK

Then I took a sample from the stairs hand rail and a sample from the toilet flusher. There's only five minutes left until class starts.


.______. I'm in a school computer. xD There are these cubiculs on the 3rd floor and there's only one with a working computer [the one I'm on] and there's no one around so I'm safe xD. Plus the school computers don't store your files or internet history xD.


I still need to do the post about ecperience about camping and update my stories. I'll try to write the post and finish one update tonight. This week I won't have to babysit the baby much


Anyways I have to start heading to class.


-Person running on very little sleep


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