Projects T^T

This is the first time I've ever vented about my studies. I swear, my groupmates get more annoying each day. It's kind of a good thing that I got placed into a group with guy 2 in it since I've learned that what I was feeling towards him was just a small crush, nothing else.

what pisses me off though is that his mom is blaming me. You see, I was tasked to do an evaluation of my groupmates' work (I'm the leader btw) and I gave him a 5/10 because...well, he wasn't cooperative. At all. So a few hours ago, when I was happily going to the cafeteria for recess, his mother stomped up to me and got mad.

She was like, "Do you know that five is a failing grade? Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Honestly, she wasn't scary at all, I was just shocked that she was that stupid. I clearly told my groupmates that the evaluation doesn't really matter since we already got 20 points. The evaluation points are just additional. So overall, he got 25/30.

I don't understand why she's even blaming me of her son's grade. His score reflects on his work. What did he do? Look for tourist spots. That's it.

I was supposed to give him a three but since I felt sorry for him, I gave him a five. What annoys me even more is the fact that they expect me to have everything. Every requirement.

I set out tasks for everyone of them and two of them didn't follow. I did almost everything already. From the bringing of materials to the linear equations. 

Last Friday, we were supposed to present our map. Of course, we weren't ready since we didn't have the narrative yet. I finished it, it was their fault for not printing it. So, it's also their fault that we got a minus.

Instead of presenting that day, we spent our time cleaning our classroom(we had to make an exhibit out of it). We don't have books, we have iPads. The disadvantage of the gadget is that it has to be fully charged every morning. Since my charger was with my classmate (long story), I wasn't able to charge it.

For two and a half days, it was dead. I had no communication with my groupmates and they had no idea what to do. I texted my classmate and told him to inform them that they had to bring smart casual for the presentation. This morning, they all came unprepared.

Of course, the narrative wasn't printed yet. I was so angry but just held it in because I knew that it was partially my fault anyway. But when the other groups presented, I couldn't help but feel pressured. Life in school is hard for me since I'm a scholar. If I get below 80, I'm out of the scholarship program.

Our teacher commended them of their work and perfect explanation. I broke down right there. A few minutes later, it was my group's turn. I was already crying and my mind was blurry. I wasn't thinking straight. When we went in front, they were asking me Inge like, "Where's the narrative? Where's the PowerPoint? Do you have the map?" 

I snapped at them, right in front of he whole class. I wasn't that angry though. Others have seen worse.

The presentation has an individual grade. I was very worried about my groupmates' scores so I just let them present as I stayed at the corner, watching them. I think I'll fail the individual part but I don't care.

So tomorrow(I hope), the narrative would be printed and we'd have 10 points deducted from our project grade. 

One thing good coming out of that project was that I helped two of my groupmates prove to everyone that they can do something and are actually useful. They have that image where people would think that they didn't care about their grade and that you would be unlucky to have them as your groupmates.

We proved them wrong. Aside from the two idiots who barely helped in anything, their were three more people who fixed heir reputation.

I'm glad that I'm now over guy 2. I don't even know why I liked him in the first place. Maybe it was because we had our childhood memories to keep us together? Or maybe it was because of the fact that he was very playful and funny? I don't know. Whatever it was, it's over. He's back to being my old friend. Or maybe not.


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Miannhae its too much typo and i dont qant to correct it.
You r such a good leader when you let your group members present eventho you kbow you will lose something cuz you didnt involve in presentation.erm may i know how.old are you and you r from?cuz i though you school if great when the leader can gives mark to their group member.cuz it never happen to me.
School is being a to you too .-. Same here I was assigned to choreo 3 dances (2 kpop and 1 tagalog song) and 1 aerobics steps and that is near to be present we havent finished anything .-. And we only have 1/2 steps for the tagalog song ... and then our teachers really love us that they gave us many projects to be pass before our midterm examination .... yay! For me .-.
Waa, I'm annoyed by those who barely did anything... But I am happy I read it, because I know I can have the tendency to be the same way. I don't want to be like that. (But then I think of ALL the schoolwork I have to to)

Anyway, how many people were you in the group?