LiveJournal vs. AsianFanfics

Hello, Readers.


I've been a part of AsianFanfics for quite a while now, but as time has gone by, I've desperately craved for a more user-friendly set up for my writing proclivities. In my days of U-KISS fanfiction, AFF was seemingly a very appropriate place to be. However, having since branched out into the world of Exo fanfiction, I've taken to what I believe to be a much better platform for writing/feedback: LiveJournal. It's a comment-only system, really. Which, as a growing writer, I thoroughly appreciate. Anon or not, anyone can comment. In fact, that's really the only way to let the author know that you've enjoyed and/or hated their work. I'm hoping this will be more helpful to me as I continue writing, since comments are much more critical and beneficial for improvement than, let's say, favoriting/subscribing/voting for a story.


I hope you can understand why I'm moving my work to LJ. I will continue to post my stories here, but instead of being able to read them via AFF, there will be a link that will redirect you to the story on LJ. I've left comments enabled, as I hope to continue to respond to any feedback on both platforms. Thank you for subscribing and I hope to see you over on LJ!










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