i need ideas!!

hey guys! 


i need ideas for ho i should write a scene...Its just that my brain is kind of lost...

anything will do! please!

please and thank you! <3  


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I wanna help :'> kufufufufu. Well I guess when it comes to the possibilities are endless. It depends on you what kind of you want to portray. Be creative about it. You can write about the usual scenes same old same old. but add something unusual for example, (a hot kitchen scene is already unusual the next thing you do is try to think of a way to maximize the kitchen's potential for a hot cuz there are a lot of things in the kitchen you can use, ice, apron, that chocholate dip, whip cream) so it depends on you what you think is hot XD. :)Or you can go unusual all the way
Okay, this might be a bad idea, depends on how you take it, but I usually read romance/a books on how to write scenes. Some are bad and some are good, so you can get ideas on how to write them.