Click Jellyfish ent.

Lynneast27 ♦ Lynn

Park Yoshiko


// Koko  best friends and nephew 
// yoshi  her band said she remainda them of yoshi also her stage name


// Japanese  native
// Korean  moving to korea and father

// English- studied abroad 


ETHNICITY [ ♦ ]Japanese / Korean
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 160cm, 49kg
BLOOD TYPE [ ♦ ]  O+

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Park Yoshiko
D.O.B [ ♦ ] November 17, 1997
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] osaka, japan
HOMETOWN [♦] seoul, south Korea
FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Jang Hae Byeol
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Bu Ji Yoon

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Yoshi
POSITION [ ♦ ]Triple threat, Maknae
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Main Rapper, Vocals


PERSONA [ ♦ ] Sly Trouble

TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] She works very hard and is not one to give up. She is the little sis of jellyfish and gets along with everyone. She was scouted when she was studying abroad in Canada. She is a triple threat, Dancing, singing, and rapping are no problem for this lttle spitfire. She after all learned from the best Ravi Oppa. 

// featured in a vixx music video
// backup dancer on ikigayo 

DANCING TWIN [ ♦ ] Mint of Tiny-G
RAPPING TWIN [ ♦ ] Miryo of browneyedgirls

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] sweet, loveable, kind, caring, cares way too much, loves to joke around, not very serious unless needed, causes trouble, looks innocent but her mind is not pg-13, can be very annoying and clingy, super stubborn but not a brat. Really quiet and doesn't trust a lot of people, very secretive.


 She is a very sweet and lovable girl. She has a heart of gold and goes out of her way to make others happy. She is one to always have a smile on her face even if she is upset. She is very private with people that is not close to though. She loves to go out at night and just walk around or sit on the swings at the park and just think. She is also observant to a fault. She notices way too much and with that comes wisdom well beyond her years. She can be very annoying though. She likes to cling on to people, skinship to her means attached to the hip.

She can be very moody at times. Even though she doesn't always show when she's upset, it is very easy to upset her. She takes everything and her weakness is that she cares too much. She may look innocent but she is very sneaky and loves to do things that she isn't suppose to do. She's not a good girl just a bad girl who knows how not to be caught. She is very strong willed and stubborn. She wont give up on any task given until she feels that she did it to her best abilities. She also loves to be silly and loves to joke around. Never really serious but when she is eveyone around her knows that its true.

BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] She comes from a very loving and well off family. Yes they are middle class and dont hurt for money. Her mom runs a restaurant and her dad is a head tech for a huge security company. She has 2 older brothers and 1 sister inlaw. her family moved to Korea from Japan when she was 6 and at 10 she moved to canada for school and lived with her brother that is married and has a baby boy. Comes form a huge music loving and talented family.



// Best Friend,Julie 17  movie theater and student  jokester  school in canadat  best friends and so close almost like sisters
// Friend, Henry  25 kpop artist  caring and protective  older brothers best friend  adopted older brother and protector

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Brother, Rokurou  25  hig school math teacher  caring and prankster  family  second dad
// Brother, Souta  20  musc major cold exterior tough guy but lovable  family♦ scary and very protective oppa 

LIKES [ ♦ ]

// Late night walks
// reading
// exercising

-covering songs



// waking up
// very strict people
// healthy food except fuit loves fruit


// choerograpghing 
// playing her instruments. ( guitar, piaon, flute, trumpet, drums)
// writting. (songs, stories, ect.)

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

// has a tattoo behind her right ear that is the kanji for family and kanji for love on the inside of her left ankle
// sleeps with stuffed monkey named mojo
// has her tounge peirced and left handed

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] dorky, and serious, but knows how to have fun. protective and kind loves to prank people and always looks out for the ones he cares about.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] They met on Ikigayo, she was the girl used for the A performance. They get along great and are always talking in some form. They dont hide the relationship, they aren't ashamed of it. age doesn't matter to them and yes they are not always pg-13. they do care for ach other and are very sweet. They fight but always make up.

OTHER [ ♦ ] Sometimes Jb can be too serious and he does get jealous. he also has never met her family other than her mom.

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] JB
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Rap Monster

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] B.I
BACK UP [ ♦ ] yg's Bobby

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] kind hearted and selfless. carefree and stubborn. likes to get what he wants and doesn't give up.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] They are good friends and he is one of the few guys that Yoshi trusts to tell things to. She knows he has feelings for her but is happy in her relationship. Not that she pushes his feelings aside she just does't want to give useless hope. He is left pinning and trying to fin a way to win her over and call her his. He does't like that she is open withh him about her and her boyfriends relationship but he maybe able to use that to his advantage

OTHER [ ♦ ] too wrapped up in his feelings for yoshi he doesn;t realize his actions hurt her

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] I hope you pick me. Id love to be apart of your story


// love rival getting involved inrelationship almost ruining it
// love interest meets the family

PASSWORD [ ♦ ]  



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