Mental Breakdown Review's Giveaway

Hello everyone! 

Mental Breakdown Review is having a giveaway! I just thought I would mention it because it's a great review shop and i have found great stories from reading the reviews from the author.

Basically what you have to do join is:

1) Subscribe


*Both will be checked, so make sure if you join, that you do it.

3) Blog the contest (like I am doing).

4) Fill the form( you can find it here-

5) Comment after you send the form.

The giveaway started on September 5th, 2014(on f(x)'s anniversary) and will end October 31st, 2014. 

So, join if you want^^ 

Bye bye! 

Also, RIP to Ladie's Code's Rise and Eunb. I send my prayers to them and their families as well as rest of Ladie's Code and their families.

It saddens me that this happened and that Rise succumbed to her injuries. I was really hoping she would make it. #StayStrongLadiesCode 



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