// CLICK : Kim Tae Hyo

LIltaytay45 ♦ Taylor

Kim Tae Hyo


// TaeTae  Just a childish way for people to call her
// Nickname  explanation


// Korean  Fluent
// Chinese  Semi Fluent


ETHNICITY [ ♦ ] Korean
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 174cm 59kg

180 200NAME [ ♦ ] Kim Tae Hyo
D.O.B [ ♦ ] October 1, 1995
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Incheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Seoul, South Korea
FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Jin Jae Young
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Kim Da Hye

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Ally
POSITION [ ♦ ] Vocals, Main dancer
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Main Vocal, dancer


PERSONA [ ♦ ]  Two Face Smartie (Meaning she can look cute and naive, but she knows everything) 

TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] She Started her training when she was 17, she almost quited almost 6 months into training because she was being bullied because she was smart and always helped with Chinese trainees with their understanding in Korea. Also strict dieting there was a point where she had to eat one meal per week and excerise non stop, but as she gotten used to the trianing she made friends with Chinese trainees more then Korean. She had a roommate who was a stuck up girl who complained about everything and would touch Tae's things without permission. She manage to hold her toungue for so long, but she was a breaking point where she scared off the girlby yelling at her and so next day Tae had a room by herself.  


// Back up dancer for Vixx
// write here

SINGING TWIN [ ♦ ] Sandara Park
DANCING TWIN [ ♦ ] Miss A Jia
RAPPING TWIN [ ♦ ] idol name

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Good Traits: Caring, Loyal and smart 
                             Bad traits: Tends to be a smartass when she is annoyed with people, Sensetive but doesn't want o show it, and careless about her surroundings

// Tae Hyo is accident prone to anything even it is tripping over a rock or feet. She is honest and she will call it out if you make a mistake or what other opions are. She loves skinship and hugging because she was used to that. She tries to be the peace maker if someone fights. Tae is willing to help anyone out in need, she'll even stop the concert if she sees anything bad. She can get offended when people saying rude things to her, but she tries to hold her toungue. She is very smart when it comes to back up plans, she always thinks of a soultuion before people freak out.

// She tends to be really shy in front of cute guys, but somehow she manages not to stutter or blush in front of them, because she gets easily embarass if someone reveals a secret or makes fun of her. She is a know it all and has knowledge when it comes to reading books or making  big  descions. She hates when people tell her shes wrong, but she'll pass it. When she gets mad she tends to walk away and bes by herself and won't come back til midnight. She likes to confuse people by using big words that some people may not understand


BACKGROUND [ ♦ ]  Kim Tae Hyo was born in Incheon, South korea and had lived there since she was 6, but her dad had gotten a big promotion at his work (works for a big company) and had required them to move to Seoul which was a big city for Tae and she didn't like being crowded by people. When she was young she was defiantly anti social and only wanted to study and read books, she skipped 2nd grade and went into 3rd and people would make fun of her for skipping, but Tae ignored those people who made fun of her. She was kept to herself, When she was 14 her parents had her play a piano and Tae got bored of it for awhile and asked her parents to put her in Ballet, Hiphop and Jazz, they let her join the classes and she was a fast learner all the girls were jealous of her fast learning, She decided she wanted to be an Idol and prove to people that quiet geeks can dance and be big. As she turned 15 her parents got into a horrible divorce because he mom had cheated on the dad, but also her dad had cheated on her mom, so as the case was debating who to take custody of Tae her dad won, and Tae didn't do anything or say anything to her parents . She hated to the feeling being torned between the people she loved and made her feel insecure. When Tae was 16 she was still going into dance lessons and she was an honor student in juinor high adn had made plently of friends, just not close friends. 

When Tae turned 17 she decided to go with a group of friends to a dance contest and as she stared at the people dancing she gathered a lot of courage and decided to dance and as she dance people didn't know that Tae can dance everyone underestimated her. When she walked home by herself she was stopped by a guy in a suit and had asked to her to audtion at "jellyfish Entertainment" and Tae was excited she hugged the guy and ran off, but as she went home she went into her bedroom and had looked over the contract and since she was under the age of 18 she had to sign parental signature. next mroning she found her dad eating breakfast and as Tae brought up the contract he strictly refused it due to him wanting her to focus on her studies, but Tae had stick up for herself and said "I will go if I want to, I'm mature enough to know what i'm doing unlike you" With that being said she forged her dads signature and decied to turn it in the building and when she audtioned she had made it and was so happy and she hasn't felt like that for a long time. Her dad was waiting at home and he decided to let Tae do it, but she has to study and try go to college and she agreed. Tae's dad wanted to sign the paper but Tae told him she already signed and her dad had patted her head. 



// Bestfriend, Seohyun   23  Singer in SNSD  Bubbly and funny They bumped into each other in a coffee place and fans had tried to block in Seohyun, but Tae manages to sneak her out They act really cheerful and fun, they tend to be clumsy when they don't pay attemsion
// Friend, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

LIKES [ ♦ ]

// Pepermint Mocha
// Photography
// Cats
// Social Netowrking
// Talking to fans
// Horror/Scary houses
// Watermelon (big time and can eat alot without stopping)



// Spiders
// Fighting Among Memebers
// Saesang fans
// Liars/Backstabbers
// Selfish girls who only think about looks and money etc
// People touching her things



// She has a habit where she will roll her eyes when someone talks
// (Habit) Puffs her cheeks when she pouts
// (Habit) Taps her foot when she is nervous and can't stop
// Reading
// (Habit) Swearing when she gets irrtated by accident
// Goes for runnings in the morning


TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

// She wears nerd glasses (Like in the first picture and its perscibbed)
// She likes knit wear sweaters
// She has ahuge pikachu pillow
// Carries first aid kit everywhere she goes
// Huge Bigbang BIAS
// Hates wearing heels unless she has to
// Plays piano
// Has a collection of slippers


PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] On the outside he may look cocky and Playboy, but on the inside and outside of business hes really shy in front of girls who compliment him. He tries to talk to talk to them, but when he tries he makes it awkward just the way he talks. He hates getting attension from girls it drives him crazy, but he as to deal with it. Hes very thoughtful towrds his memebers and some of his friends. When he and Tae get together he clings on to her and feels comfortable around her. She always strickes up a conversation even though she gets nervous around him cause he is good looking. He gets easily jealous when guys hit on Tae and Tae won't realize it. He will stand by her being a little over protective

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] When they aren't dating they act like best friends and tend to do fun things together and get coffee when they have free time. When Kai and her are by themselves they will dance together to duet songs and would just freestyle it. When they date Kai spoils her by giving her coffee and flowers which causes her to blush bright red. She and him like to hug and cuddle with each other, but they try and avoid fans. She wants to be open with htier relationship out in the open, but Kai doesn't cause hes scared of the fans what they would do to Tae 

OTHER [ ♦ ] Kai gave her a exo ring of kai's power to "teleport"

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] Kim Jongin (Kai)
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Jung Daehun (BAP)

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] Han Sanghyuk (VIXX)
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Kim NamJoon (Rap monster from BTS)

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] He's known to be a happy go lucky around people and tries to cheer everyone up, but there are days when he gets down if something is bothering him. He looks up to his memebers and likes to prank them also if they bully him. Hes easily open to other people and is very carefree. When he is around girls he likes to flirt with them as a joke and likes to showoff in front of everyone making peoplethink he has a girlfriend

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Tae and Hyuk are good friends, they were in the same traning program when they started. He and her would have a dance off to see whose better, but they like to hangout when they have free time, He'll cling on to Tae no matter where she goes and flirts with her, but Tae is Naive and won't notice it, but thats her charm. 

OTHER [ ♦ ] They have a matching  bracelete

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] I look forward to this story sounds awesome ! Good luck and let me know if anything needs to be changed


// Hyuk making Kai jelaous
// Breaks her ankle on stage
// Saesang fans attacking her (due to relationship with Kai)

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] Summer 



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