Another Heartbreaking News

I don’t usually write blog but I think I have to make an exception…


Today I woke up to an extremely bad news [to think I even said HAPPY weekend to my readers on my A/N]

It’s a very very heartbreaking news for kpop fans

Ahhh really?! Why is this happening? I mean everyone is still in grief and still in the process of moving on because of what happened to EunB

And now this? RiSe giving up on her battle to join her sister in heaven? Losing one was devastating enough but losing two?

I can’t even imagine the pain their families, friends and fans are in right now

Seriously, it’s a total nightmare for everyone one especially to those they are close with

Only time can heal the pain so let’s hold hands and give ladies’ code undying love and support. I’m sure the remaining members are strong enough to overcome this challenge.



Ladies you have 2 angels watching over you, smiling down on you.

So continue to make good music and inspire people. All fandoms are here for you. Stay strong! You can do this!


I send my deepest condolences to ladies’ code fans, may the 2 angels rest in peace and continue to watch over us

Ladies’ Code Fighting!!

#RIPEunB #RIPRiSe #LadiesCodeStayStrong


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hazells #1
Sad+Shocking...i knw ladies code because of kwon rise. Rest in peace eunb & rise.