cordxxi   -  corda


group birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
group type: singing duo
group concept: changing
audition tape: [link]
Group twin:  JJ project


group members


200 x 108
Member name: Kwon gyeoul
stage name: gyeoul
position: singer 
facelaim: giriboy
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: troy's kanto
gallery: here
traits: debonair : decent : eloquent : gallant : bold : honest : incisive : clever  : quick fused

— gyeoul is older then haru by 2 years.

— they're step brothers.

— gyeoul is 24 years old.

— he's fully korean

— his cloths are mostly black and white

— he plays the piano.

— his humor is mostly deadpanned.

— he doesn't have a filter in his head; he says what he thinks and most of the time making people have the impression that he's a rude guy. 

— he's physically weak.

— his remarks are bitting.

— he hate being told that he's wrong.

— he's a little bossy too.

— he loves anime.

— he's a poetic guy.

— gyeoul's favorite colour is black and white.

— he dislike bright colours.

— he dislike hot weather.

— he hate skinship.

— his name means winter in korean.

— he's an educated man.

— his biological father died while serving his duty.

— his mother remarried with haru's dad when he was 19 years old.

— his favorite genre of music is jazz, rnb and soul.

— he is phonophobic.

— he has an above average good look but strangely, girls in his school doesn't swoon on him and he's not interested in them either.

— he say he's aual.

200 x 108
member name: Fujioka Haru
stage name: haru
position: singer / rapper
faceclaim: jay park
Gallery: here
back up faceclaim: crush
gallery: here
traits: attentive : aloof : creative : outgoing  : felicific : humourous : good-natured : childish

— he's japanese.

— he's 19 years old.

— gyeoul and hare is not blood related.

— unlike his step brother, his physique is pretty good. 

— his father remarried with gyeoul's mother.

— his korean is broken.

— he loves cat.

— he play the guitar.

— he is taller then gyeoul.

— he have a speech problem; he stammers.

— it disappear when he sings, however.

— unlike gyeoul, haru's humor will surely make you laugh. 

— he's very protective of his brother.

—​ since gyeoul is usually misunderstood and easily angered, he's the one who calm him down or settle the situation thus making him seems older then gyeoul.

— he's a baby whisperer.

— his favorite colour is brown.

— in japanese, haru means spring.

— the duo is sometime dubbes as 'winter's spring' because of their names.

— he loves abstract art.

— he's an art major in school.

— his biological mother remarried with her best friend.

— haru cannot swim.

— his favotire korean rapper is tablo because his daughter is his name twin.

— he hate skinship.

— he hate cold weather.

— he hate first-person shooter games.

— he dislike his brother's sense of fashon.

— he use to have a slight crush on gyeoul back when they first met.


How long have you been together [as a group]?:

—as a group, hm... about 2 years? but we've known each other for ages.
How did you find out about the auditions?:

well, the poster for the show had been scattered everywhere around the city, so of course we'd know about them!
How much do you want to win?:

we don't want to win that much, to be honest.you know those teenagers that had been dreaming to come to this show for ages, yeah, i'd rather them win. we just come here to crave smiles on people's face.
what will you do with the money if you win?:

hm... for me, i'd do with a new car. /laughs/ but for haru, i'm sure he'd use it up for collage. 
what company would you like to be in?: 

since we write our own song, i thougt that it would be nice to go to yg but jyp is okay too...

Comments: if you want me to add anything, just tell me 'k? 
scene suggestions: a scene where gyeoul loses his temper with one of the contestant and when haru tried to stop him, gyeoul accidently throw a punch at him and then they become cold before gyeoul decided to apologize.
password: freaks




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