almost 100 questions about me (tagged by Hikochan)

I guess, Hikochan, you wanted to tag me...or at least I hope so ..if you didn't mean me with "bloomz", this will get embarrassing. :D But I will pretend it was just a typo and do this right now ;D

soo let's start:

1.Real Name: don't want to tell. I also don't like my name that much...

2.Nickname(s): mostly referring to my real name, so won't tell.. but my kpop friend calls me jagi^^ she also called me panchan (side dish) for a while.. I love to eat ;)

No. 3 went missing while searching for my real name :P

4.Male or Female: Female ♀!

5. Elementary School: Done! (probably the most relaxed time in my life ^-^ )

6. High School: graduated this yeaar~~ :)

7. College: want to go after relaxing some time.. but don't know what to study.. -.-

8. Hair color: dark blond

9.Tall or Small: gosh so damn small ... 158cm least in my country it's small..that's why Asia is calling me :P

10. Shirt or sweater: shirt

11. Sweats or jeans: Jeans

12. Phone or camera: Phone.. though I own only a really old cell phone, which I don't use often.. but still phone for emergencies!

13.Health freak: Nope

14. Orange or apple: Apple!

15. Do you have a crush on a someone?: Nope~ and happy about it :) Causes more problems than happiness. my friends with crushes tell me about their problems..

16.Eat or drink: Both? Not because I'm a's essential ^-^

17. Piercings: only in my earlobes (wish I had more though)

18. Pepsi or coke: coke

19. Been in a airplane: yes .. if I count correctly 6 times :D

20. Been in a relationship once: nope..but almost xD complicated story.. but I went on dates, but we didn't make it till a relationship in the end

21. Been in a car accident: No

22. Been in a fist fight: if with my sister counts.. yes^^

23. First piercing: earlobe

24. First best friends: from kindergarten. Name: Cindy, lost contact 5 years ago when I moved.

25.First award: ... I don't really know if that's an award.. but I guess of the class from 1st till 6th grade

26.First crush: elementary school, my best buddy :P

27.First word: mh... probably.. Mama? :D

28.First car: nope

29.Last person you talked to: My mother

30.Last person you text-ed: one of my two best friends.. the one who introduced me to kdramas :)

31.Last person you went to the movie theater with: one of my older sisters

32.Last food you ate: cheese-sandwich

33.Last movie you watched: Twilight Saga: Breaking dawn.. also with my sister, but at home :D


35. Last thing you bought: shoes

36.Last person you hugged: my mom :) when I said good night to her^^

37. Food(s) : "EVERYTHING! ~^O^~" I fully support this answer! :D  (okay.. few exceptions.. paprika, zucchini, asparagus. that's about it.)

38. Drink(s) : mostly water

39. Bottom(s) : jeans

40. Flower(s): have no favourite one.. but something simple like daisies or marguerites

41. Animal(s) : ..I like animals in general... when I was young my favourite ones were dolphins

42. Color(s) : yellow, blue (pink)

43.Movie(s) : everything...romance is always good ;)

44.Subject(s) : English (for me as a foreign language)

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X on the brackets if yes)

45.[X] Fallen in love with someone.

46.[X] Celebrated Halloween (not at home, but with friends.. my mom hates it^^)

47.[X] Had your heart broken.

48.[] Went over the minutes or texts on your cell phone.

49.[] had someone question my ual orientation.

50.[] Had .

51.[] Got pregnant.

52.[] had an abortion.

53.[X] did something i regret.

54.[X] broke a promise.

55.[X] hid a secret..

56.[X] pretended to be happy.

57.[X] met someone who changed your life.

58.[X] pretended to be sick.

59.[X] Left the country.

60.[X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (many kinds of food XD )

61.[X] cried over the silliest thing.

62.[X] ran a mile. (I often go jogging in the woods.. though I don't know how far I run... and btw what's a mile in km? XD)

63.[X] went to the beach with your best friend.

64.[X] got into an argument with your friends.

65.[X] i can't hate that someone forever i gotta forgive him someday...

66.[X] stayed single for 2 years.


67. Eating: nothing

68. Drinking: water

69.Listening: The once - you're my best friend on repeat fot the whole day (check it out! it's from the "It's okay that's love"-OST.. gosh, how I love this drama and its soundtrack *_*)

70.Sitting and listening to music?: yees

71.Plans for today: it's past midnight ..but still.. watch dramas (The mermaid), work out  XD too many plaans... I'll go late to bed again :T

72.Waiting : for next wednesday/thursday when the last episodes of "it's okay that's love" will be released O.O



73. want kids: yes!! at least 2 *_* I love kids ♥

74.Want to get married?: not necessarily, if my partner doesn't want to.. but would be nice :)

75.Career: don't know, don't ask -.- currently a bit lost. but maybe something with languages.. translator? or interpreter for asian languages?

76.Lips or eyes: Eyes

77.Shorter or taller : Taller

78.Romantic or spontaneous: Both!

79.Quiet or loud: Both!

80.Shy or confident: Confident

81.Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

82.Looks or personality: Personality (should like kpop...or he won't be able to keep up with me xD)

83.Lost glasses/contacts: no

84. tried to leave and failed: repeat that again.. for the slow ones?

85.Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope!

86.Killed somebody: stepped on a snail yesterday -.- urgh

87. Broken someone’s heart: no... at least not that I know of...

88.Been in love: Yes

89. cried when someone died: Yes


90.Yourself: only when it's like 4 am, and I'm listening to motivating kpop XD :'D

91.Miracles: Yes

92.Love at first sight: Yes, why not?

93.Heaven: don't know..

94. Santa Claus: Nope!

95.Kiss on the first date: If it fits the situation and mood, it's okay... happend to me already..


96.Is there one person/people you want to be right now?: no

97.Do you know who your real friend are: yes, I think so.

98.Do you believe in God: haven't decided yet^^

99.Rate your awesomeness from 1-10: 4 .. slightly beneath average

100: i am not ____ : normal.... but I guess nobody is.. :P


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carolon #1
omg that's so cool! i also want to do that someday :D xD
AHHHH omgomg, I'm so deadly embarrassed.!!!! I typed your name wrongly! AHHHHH so sorry x.x
Anyways, finally I got to know more about you! Haha! It's interesting!!!