Almost 30 Questions (stolen from Ayaaachan)

What do you do when you have writers block?

I will direct my attention to other things like TV programmes, musics, food etc. I won't think of coming up with a plot intentionally till the inspiration comes to me.


What do you do when a great story idea pops out of nowhere and you are busy?

Hmm... It doesn't happens a lot to me. But if it does, I will remember the story idea by heart. Then when I'm free, I will jot down the main ideas in my notes. So, when I have the time and that I think this story could be made, I will work on it.


Do you make your characters similar to you in any way?

Honestly...nope~ not at all. Because, whenever I start a story, the characters' personalities are based on either the story plot or their real life ones. 


How long have you been writing for?

I started writing my own stories when I'm 15 years old (I'm 16 this year). I didn't know why I wanted to as I just feel like it. So, i tried. And it turned out to be fun and I enjoyed it. 


Do you have a writing schedule?

Nope. It all depends on how busy I am with my life and my studies. 


Do you listen to music when you write?

Sometimes, only when I'm writing angst plots. 


Where do you write?

Anywhere~ As long as I have my phone, I can write anywhere because my stories are all written using my phone's notepad.

Do you eat when you write or does it distract you?

Yup, sometimes. But, I need to see if I have food with me first. 


Do you ever get good ideas for a story then figure out someone already has them?

Nope~ my stories are one of a kind! HAHA


Do you ever write when you are watching a movie?

Of course not!


Do you ever plan out your books as movies?

Yup, always. Especially "Forbidden Love". The whole story plot had already been planned out in sequence like movies' style. It's just the writing part that I have yet to start.


Do you ever plan out sequels for your fics when you haven’t even finished the first one? 

I have. Just once. Other than that, I would prefer on focusing the current plot first. 


If you couldn’t be an author, what would you be?

I don't really understand this. But, I guess it's asking if I didn't write stories in the first place, what would I be doing. Well, I guess it will be song composer? Or an artist? I have composed a few songs and I really love to draw. So if I weren't writing, I guess I would have spent my free time composing lyrics and drawing random drawings.


How many fics have you started (or finished)?

Started- 8

Finished- 3


You have like a folder or something for story ideas?

Nope~ they are all stored inside my phone.


Do you have any ‘habits’ you do when you are writing? (Click your fingers, pick hangnails, roll up your tongue, etc).

I don't think so~


Do you draw pictures to go along with your writing?

I wanted to but along with writing, it is just too much work.


At what time of day do you write the most?

 At night, around 8-12am. This is when my brain is the most active.


What is your dream/goal for your life?

Be successful in what I want to do and enjoy life with my loved ones. 


What type of student are you?

One word. LAZY! I want to have good grades but my brain doesn't seem to function in that way... sigh... I think I'm really not one that can study for long x.x


If you are sad, when you write, do you make your characters sad in the book?

Nope, because if I'm sad, I wouldn't even be writing!


When you are sad/happy/mad or whatever, does it show in your writing? Like does your emotion affect your writing?

Totally not!


Do you wear any ‘special’ clothing when writing?

Comfortable clothes like t-shirts with shorts


How do you sit when you write?

Anyhow I want, but the position must be a comfortable one.


Does your teacher/boss notice your interest in writing?

Nope, they actually think that I don't like writing.


Do you include writing as a hobby?

Yes definitely!!! 




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... I really love this question-blogs.. they're so interesting *O*
but something mage me concerened... you should really secure your stories and notes somewhere else beside your phone, too. What if you're phone gets broken and everything is lost ?! O.O :O
when I read those answers I really got the desire to write again.. I was in a writing club in my school, I really loved writing back then..
and I already began a fan fic.. and had a plot in my mind for a one shot at least... but I'm so lazy I couldn't finish it..