Live, Love, 축구― Lu Nana, 12, Forward


username — JiEunExo

nickname — Eun

activity rate — 09-10


name — Lu Nana

nickname — Luna; Nana's english name; most people would call her Nana but only her closest friend or family call her Luna. Which also stands for Lunatic, because she's rowdy.

birthdate + Age — 06.April.1996 + 18

birthplace — Beijing, China

ethnicity — Korean-Chinese

language — Korean; Fluent - Chinese; Native

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face claim — Park Seul

gallery — X

backup face claim — Choi Min Kyung

gallery — X


appearance — Nana have sparkly eyes. She likes to leave her hair the way it is- natural wavy hair. Average height, lean and skinny- due to over excercise.

fashion style — Natural- normal tee with track pants or hot pants. Nana rarely wear skirt or dress as she finds it too girly and hard to run in. She would paint her nails different colour to match her outfit also, she
collects alot of colourful phone cases to match her outfit too.
Soccer jersey number — 12

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plotline — Play Rough

traits — Tough, Soft-hearted, Childish, Kind, Cold, Sly, Rowdy,Dorky

personality — 

Nana has two side to her. One side, is when she's on the field. She's cold, tough, sly and fierce. She have good strategy tatics and she will give her all to get everything right and win. She may seem innocent and nice on the outside but she's a total beast. She's cold to strangers or people she don't like- especially to her teammates during training. She makes sure that the team members can comminicate well. Sometimes she would play foul when the coach isn't looking. Due to her daily training- Waking up every morning in 5.00 to go jogging of 5 laps. Then working out at the gym then go for a afternoon jog.- she's the roughest player in the team.

In the school, Nana is named as 'Ice Queen'. Every school needed a ice qeen- don't they? Nana is very sure that she herself know that she's an Ice Queen. Nana don't bully people like how they think ice queen would do unless they really get on Nana's nerve. Nana's also the complete opposite of her sister, which everyone adore. Well- many would want to befriend Nana but she give of this kind of 'You-get-the-hell-away-from-me' vibe. Nana only need 3 friend. Because the 3 friend pestered Nana to be their friend. Untill Nana give up and befriend them because of their sincererity.

Nana also have another side to her. The cute and immature side. Since Nana is always cold, she try to make joke with her close friend but it came out as a lame joke that make her friends laugh. She's also dorky, especially when it came to her crush. She might be tough but she still care for people- she just tend not to show it. She would secretly order food for the team members after training or she would ask someone to pass out towel and water. Nana can't stand seeing people cry. It's one of her weakness. She always tend to avoid seeing people cry, because if she sees someone cry, she'll lose her tough side and 'Ice Queen' title and just cry along softly. Especially making people cry.



background — Nana is born into a  large normal family- not so rich, not so poor. Nana have always been the most considerate among her siblings. Nana's also the eldest. And having her father and mother always working theit off, she tends to be more close with her Halmoeni(Grandma) and Halaboeji(Grandpa). Since there is many kids in the house, Nana had to babysit the younger one because their grandparents is getting on with age. 

Having many members in the house, they have lots of quarell over small item like who's washing the dishes or who's going to eat this or that. Basically, they recieved tons of complain from the neighbour but that didn't stop them. Nana also contributed to the noise. She also show her childish side to her family. The girls in the family- exclution of Nana- always tend to talk about boys or either fashion. So technically, Nana's closer with the brothers in the family, also with her grandparents.

likes — 
-Chicken {Especially steam and fried}
-Spicy food!!
-Bubble tea {Banana}
-Banana milk

dislikes — 
-Girly girl- except her sisters
-Plastic girl/attention seeker {Too much make up}
-Sour food

hobbies — 

habits — 
-Staring at her crush from afar
-Excersing too much 
-Being on phone, texting {Only when she's not in the field}

trivias — 
-She keeps three dogs and name them after food; Kimchi, Kongguksu, Bulgogi
-She dreams of being coming a National soccer player
-She tries to prove that girls can be a National soccer player
-She's the vice-captain of the team {Got it from plotline :)}

Favorite soccer team  Bayer Leverkusen <3
Soccer position — Forward  

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family — 

— Father | Lu Tian | 04

— Mother | Yoon Soohyun | 04
— Grandma | Choi Jinah | 10
— Grandpa | Lu Zhen  | 10
— Sister {17} | Lu Ai  | 06 {Twin}
— Brother {17} | Lu Xin | 08 {Twin}
— Brother {16} | Lu Hun | 10
— Sister {14}| Lu Jin | 06
— Sister {12} | Lu Qian |07
— Brother {08} | Lu Xun | 09
— Sister {07}| Lu Er | 07
— Cousin | Lu Han | 09


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friends — [ 3+]

— Lee Hyeri | Witty, smart, persistent, sporty | 10
— Lee Hyori | Lazy, loud, funny, sporty | 10
{The 2 are twins :D}

— Kim Hyuna| y, confident, stylish, 4D | 10


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love interest — Exo - D.O/Kyungsoo

backup love interest — Exo- Baekhyun


personality — Shy, queit, smart, sporty, romantic

relationship — Kyungsoo and Nana have never met before untill a day when Nana was rushing off for training, she bumps into Kyungsoo who was carrying load of books. Instead of Nana helping him, she walk off untill Kyungsoo shout 'Rude' at her. And that's when they both hate each other- which blossomed into love. {Cheesy...} Instead of talking to each other when passing by, they tend to adore each other from afar secretly. Sometime when they got caught by each other, they akwardly turn away. 

Nana have also never initiate a conversation with Kyungsoo because she  thinks that Kyungsoo hate her. But they came clean and talk when they met each other at the library because the librian needed help with arranging the books. For now, they're just friends but heyyy- they can get out of friendzone right? They don't know that the other party like each other. But it's very obvious to their friend that they both like each other. 

So Nana and Kyungsoo's close friends decided to team up and set both together. Kyungsoo also don't like being called by his name. He prefered to be called 'D.O' because Kyungsoo is only for his close friends, family and lover to call. Sometimes, they bicker over small items and sometimes they get each other jealous unintentionally.


rival — Jung Soojung/Krystal

BACKUP Rival— Seo Joohyun/Seohyun


PERSONALITY — Krystal Jung, the school 'Sweetheart'. Every mother dream daughter-in-law and every guys dream girl. The previous year transfer capture hearts of teacher and students. Many would befriend her and she would happily accept. Giving off the innocent and naive vibe, it tends to make guys wanting to protect her more. Tired of all the attention, she found that one guy who doesn't give attention to her, Kyungsoo. Which made her like Kyungsoo.

Perfect in everyway that even Nana can't hate. Plus she's a straight 'A' student. Krystal tought that Nana is
Kyungsoo's best friend, asked help from Nana to set Kyungsoo and herself together. No matter how much Nana wanted to be cold and reject this girl, she can't because she's too kind and innocent. Nana had no choice but to try and set them up together. Sometimes, Nana compared heself to Krystal. But Nana had her sanity in check and continue playing sports instead of having crayola all over her face.

But Krystal ends up hating Nana.


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comments/suggestions — It's my first time apply for such fic. The concept is very nice. It's refreshing :) I hope you didn't fall asleep, reading this app. I hope you can accept Nana <3 I just need to say that Nana and her younger twin siblings were born in China before moving of to Korea and had more siblings. If there's anything wrong; feel free to tell me, i'll change it :D Thank you ~

scene requests
-Krystal approach Nana to help her set up with D.O
-The day when Krystal confessed to D.O {Nana will be witnessing like how Krystal asked her to do so}, D.O rejected Krystal and pull Nana away before confessing to Nana that he like her {Cheesy.. i know xD}
-Nana stressed out at talk to her team mates about it- About love life with D.O and soccer practise.{Because she finally learned how to trust her team mates}
-Krystal hates Nana and set Nana up {Suprise me with the set up?} , leading Nana to detention and a week to clean the big library.
-Hang out with Lu Han {cousin} at the bubbletea and D.O got jealous because he didn't know they're cousin.
-D.O sing for Nana because she couldn't sleep and clarify that Luhan and Nana is just cousin {Phone call}

{Is the request scene too much? Sorreh~}

password — Time for kickoff

turn in — back to the story


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