Shpuld I audition at SM???? •_•

So I'm thinking about participatin in the SM Global auditions, should I????

My parents don't really approve tho cuz they're classical musicians, and they dont even know im thinking about it...

my friends tell me I should, but I really don't know what to do


Please give me some advice TT-TT


Sorry if I'm bothering you with my problem...


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CumJaeEveryDae #1
Go for it hun! I think it's a great idea :D
Record your talent, and scrutinize it carefully.
Do you think you can make it? And if you think you can - weigh out your pros and cons.
What will I gain?
What will I lose?
Base everything on what you know, what you don't know, what you think, what you believe, what you doubt.
All that aside - sure, if it's your dream, go for it!
((My dream is to be a neurosurgeon, so I'm going for that. :D))
go for it!!
If you're up for selling your soul and willing to sign a slave contract, then I don't see what you shouldn't give it a shot.

But in all seriousness, if this is the type of music you want to pursue, then I say you should follow your dreams. Just make sure that you know what you're getting into, and don't forget to look into other companies. You never know, you might find a company that is more suitable for you than SM. I mean yes, SM does have a lot of resources and whatnot, so you know that IF you end up debuting under them, your career is set. The thing is, the way they do things at SM might not be what's in your best interest. Also, there is no guaranteed debut. Take Spica's Bohyung for example. She was originally a YG trainee, and was set to be in 2NE1, though was later cut from the lineup right before their debut.

I'm just saying be careful, and always be aware. I wish the best of luck to you. c:
I think it is always worth a shot. If you don't make it this time, try again:)
follow your heart, i think.