Giveaway ouo


So Kcon is holding this giveaway and it ends in a few hours. I'm in second place. First place wins a SIGNED TEEN TOP ALBUM and I really want it. Could you guys please click the link, click connect to facebook (if you have one), watch the trailer, and gift me the 500 points you get? If about 50 people do it then I'll be in first place. Also, comment below if you do gift me points. I'm writing a fanfic (length depends on how many points you gift me) for everyone who gifts me any points. The more points, the longer and more thought-out fanfic you get. Please tell your friends to do the same. I'm in second place currently, the one with the Korean name. It only takes two minutes, could you spare it? *-*


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HunTy1204 #1
i cant open it somehow