LC fans can you just stop???

Look, this here may be unpopular and might even upset some but I gotta get it off my chest so if you don't like it well then.....................bye.

Everywhere I go I keep seeing these fans of Ladies Code wasting time critisizing those who weren't fans and saying that they really don't care. I personally feel insulted by this. Like, saying that because their songs didn't fit my musical taste that I can't feel love and compassion for these ladies? That I can't feel empathy for what they're going through? That I can't pray for them and want with all my heart for them to be okay? That's insulting me as a human because because I care a LOT for people and I don't appreciate being treated like my feelings are fake because I didn't own their albums and watch every performance. Please, just stop.

And then people going on about them making their song number one by saying that it's too late or that it doesn't matter now. Or by saying that if they cared, they would've made it number one while she was still here. I'm not trying to be mean but plain and simple, tt didn't reach number one then because it wasn't popular enough and it was going up against a lot of big artists. Don't try to make people feel guilty for that, it's the industry and that's just how it goes. It wasn't the best or most popular. But they're still rookies so is that really so surprising? The only reason why people are mad is because of the circumstances. Otherwise nobody would be saying this. But no matter what, it was still a nice thing for people to do so can people stop trying to take away from that please? This is not about being a damn fan or not it's about caring about and praying for the well being of a beautiful and talented young lady that died way too soon and another one who is still clinging to life. People using this as an excuse to at people that weren't fans and focus your damn time on supporting Rise who's fighting for her life dammit!! What the hell is wrong with you? You people will always find some kind of way to start a war over SOMETHING! Ugh, just stop.

On a side note, for those that aren't fans, you really don't have to make a big deal of it like by going, "I wasn't a fan but..........". I don't what's the point of mentioning that (and ppl do it all the time for all kinds of reasons) but for some reason it really irks me. Please, just say you care and support them, there's no need to throw in that unecessary info because when you do, you give ppl like the ones I mentioned above ammo to assume you're just pretending to care for attention. Please, just stop.


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So some Ladies Code fans are actually telling non fans to shut up about showing their sadness and support for the remaining members? Wow. You'd think if any, those fans would be respectful and accepting of others sharing their condolnences (sorry if I spelt that wrong) on the matter *shakes head* You don't have to know someone to feel sad for their death. I've only said it once maybe that I'm not a fan, but did stop after a while realizing it doesn't honestly matter if I was or wasn't a fan at all.

When a tragedy like this happens we're all supposed to be coming together and supportive, not arguing or fighting. Those fans should be ashamed of themselves.
i said that i wasn't a fan once but i kept seeing it EVERYWHERE after realizing that it didn't matter. what matters was not that she was a ladies code member or that people who were sending condolences weren't fans, but that eunbi was a young girl, a young PERSON who just died. people who keep reminding us they're not fans, and some of the people hollerin for us to shut up--they're annoying the outta me rn.