Ladies Code EunB R.I.P

I heard the news that ladies code member Eun B has passed away. I pray for her to rest in peace. Although I'm not a ladies code fan this is depressing and makes me think of what if that happened to our idols that we love with all our heart? This incident was caused by slipperly roads and a tire flew of actually. This is just a horror and depressing, we should pray to god for the other members and besides that we should pray that our idols can be safe from this incident. 

Although we can't cheat fate and we wouldn't know when someone will be gone from us we should always remeber everyone we cherish and the idols for their hard work. 

Let's remember Eun B as a member of Ladies Code and an idol that rocked the stage with hard work along with her members. With all the best rest in peace Eun B. 



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