The right to be upset

You know when you are upset and you wanna show it but you feel you don't have the right to?

I think that's why internet is so comforting some times, here you can vent your frustrations without nobody knowing who you are or what actually happened.

So we can't judge each other. Not really.

So here i can admit, i am upset. Very.

I'm upset because yesterday was my bestfriend birthday and i was barely there AND WE LIVE TOGETHER 

(I could try to look all inocent and such by blaming college and responsabilities but that wouldn't be entirely true)

I'm upset because i spend a lot of time in doing a gift for her by hand (actual reason for me being late due to my poor conception of time) and she won't even look at it becouse she's upset at me 

I'm upset because i cook her some desserts for her birthday and they didin't turn out like i wanted them to and u really really tried my best but they ended up looking awfull and people i'm friends with insulted them and it really hurt.

But everything has a better excuse than me, i can't be upset for not going becouse it was my fault, i can't be upset with her because i failed her first and i can't be upset with my friends because they were horrible looking desserts and they were probably just joking.

I don't know, really.


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Hey, you have all the right to be upset.
You made a gift with your own hands for her, are you kidding me?
I don't even know why I am writing in english, god
Tenes todo el derecho de estar enojada con ella, o en general con todo, no es que simplemente no estuviste en su cumpleaños porque te olvidaste o boludeaste todo el dia afuera. Estabas estudiando, estabas haciendo su regalo con tus propias manos, hasta le hiciste los deliciosos muffins que, no importa lo que pase o que; siempre van a ser perfectos. Los mires por donde los mires. Perfectos, bellos, deliciosos y llenos de amor, bonita.
Tienen que hablar y vos no te tortures tanto, no sos la mala de la pelicula, ni cerca. Vos significas mucho para ella y viceversa, creo que una charla no les vendria mal, las va a aliviar (por mas que sea dificil en un primer principio o no se animen). Se quieren mucho, no te olvides de eso. La gente mete la pata, pero no creo que la actitud de tu amiga sea la correcta, no no. Equivocarse, o hacer algo mal, esta bien de vez en cuando. Eso creo yo.
No te atormentes, ¿si? No hiciste nada malo, aca las dos no estan haciendo algo que es esencial: hablar, y ese es un error. Pero es el unico, todo lo demas es la vida, supongo. Y la vida sigue, pero hy que saber perdonar y pedir disculpas (ambas partes).
Te amo mucho, linda. I love you so so much. And... Espelia loves you (she wanted me to put this haha). AND we love your muffins, they are perfect, A L W A Y S.