파라곤♡Choi Mirae♡Misunderstood

  Choi Mirae。
   Amu  15annabella ACTIVITY LEVEL 4
— Rae / general nickname used by everyone (was going to be her stage name but it clashed with exo Lay.)
— Blondie / She is called this due to how her hair is always blonde mainly called by people close to her and was created by kim heechul
— Miss MV 
/ the netizens call her this due to the number of mvs shes been in predebut

AGE 20

HOMETOWN Seoul Korea

— Korean/ fluent / shes full korean
— English / near fluent / she has been learning it since she first joined the company seven years ago for the purpose of writing songs.
Never apologize for being who you are and chasing what you love ♡

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
FACE CLAIM Hong Yoo Kyung
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

APPEARANCE  She is exactly like the ulzzang. She is 164cm tall and weights 50kg. She has very dark eyes. No noticable scars on her. Her hair is always dyed in a tone of blonde (if you don't like the first ulzzang then ignore this) She has three piercing in her left ear and two in her right ear. She almost always has nail polish on.
STYLE She hates wearing skinny high heels and even if she isn't tall she usually never wears heels if she doesn't have to. She wears sneakers that have a small bit of height or just sandals. If she wears skirts she wears biker shorts underneath no matter how long her skirt is. She doesn't mind showing some skin because she feels confident with her body so she is ok with the y style although her own style isn't overly y.Her style is what the ulzzang wears. 

  but looks aren't everything。
— realistic, hardworking, cold at first,faithful, hides her negative feelings, tom boyish

No she is not a cold , a or a gang member. Although its hard to say that shes a cute girly girl either, It's not that she doesn't have cute moments but you really can't force her to be something she isn't. She can act and has acted in dramas but if you want her to be herself she won't forcefully make herself act cute. If its in a drama she can be someone else but on stage she would never lie to her fans about who she is. She is someone who understands that achievements come from hard work and without hard work you get nowhere, so she is someone who works her off no matter what and even if she has hurt her foot she would still try to perform. She is harsh on herself when rehearsing and even though she is usually quite even tempered around if she finds someone slacking off during rehearsal she will not hold back and start scolding them, even if they are older than her she still will be telling them off for not giving their all. She once made an trainee cry because the trainee wasn't trying her hardest (the trainee was Luna who later got picked to be in F(x). Although the two haven't spoken much after that Luna is a slight bit thankful because Mirae forced her to work harder). 
The reason she gets called a cold a lot is because she isn't very good at apraoching people to make friends. She doesn't know how to randomly start talking to someone so it might seem like she is cold but in reality she is just slightly awkward. To get close to her it often has to be someone talks to her first her first and then people will realize that she is a really nice girl. She still isn't as talkitive as some people out there but she likes listening to others more than just talking on and on about herself. Sometimes she might tell a story from her life but then she would think that she talks to much and suddenly stop and apologize. (example. "and then we went to the store to buy some things and the fans regonized us and that made me happy...oh sorry I talked for too much) If you manage to get past the takling to her stage then you will see that she is someone who loves to hang out with her friends and actually has quite a lot of friends. She cares a lot about her friends and is usually with her members or friends during her free time. To her guy friends and girl friends aren't different so she is close with both guys and girls. She is not someone who easily get self concious around guys so you barely ever see her blush around guys and she is often there to give them a hug or put her arm around them (only to her friends though not just any random guy) Some haters use this to call her a of say that she just wants to be around this guy,these comments do make her sad but she just shrugs them off and goes on with being the way she is. The other reason she gets called a cold is because when she isn't a girl that always smiles. When she is happy she smiles but when she isn't a girl that 24 hours has a smile on their face. Sometimes she has a blank face that fans misinterperate into a tough look. This with the fact that she knows some fighting has led some people to believe that she used to be in a gang.
She has grown used to hearing negative comments about herself so she sometimes can just block all the negativity out and focus on the positives. There are times when the negativity all gets to her but she hates to burst out crying so she hides everything with a very collected look while on the inside she is dying. It's really hard for her to cry unless she is very very stressed or very very sad. She would never cry because she is happy so if the group ever wins an award she would have a very very bright smile on her face. When she is about to burst from negative feelings she hides in her room and messes everything up while she cries (its a whole wirlwind of negitve emotions in there). She always chooses the moments when she is alone so she doesn't scare any of the other members. She always rooms alone because the company knows of this problem but don't know how to help her so they hide it with her.
Even if the whole world turns against one of her best friends she will always be there no matter what. She knows the feeling of having no one to rely on so she never wants any of her friends to feel like that. If one of her friends call her in because something is worrying them then no matter what she will be there with a gallon of icecream and an ear to lend. If you ever suspect someone of spreading a rumor about you or creating heat agaisnt you then don't point at her because she hates things such as fake rumors or backstabbing. IShe is very faithful to her dreams and if she sets her mind on a goal its extremely hard to change her mind and she will go after that goal no matter how much hardship is in her way. 
She is more of a tomboy than a girly girl. She does care about her style and likes wearing skirt but since a young age she liked sports more than playing with dolls. Shes fine around guys as friends and some guys just see her as another dude. She really dislikes it when someone says things like "all girls should like pink" or "you shouldn't do that your a girl" she would go on and on about how wrong it is the give general statements about the genders and that both genders are more equal than people think. 
  dig a little deeper。
PAST She was born to quite a wealthy family with a very strict and old fashioned upbringing but that didn't really fit her. Since a young age she hated the way she had to act all girly and how she was always told "a good girl does this" or "a good girl does that" so she was quite the rebel. She ran around, played sports and hang around with the guys who went around beating each other up, although she always got yelled at by her family she still stayed the way she was. When she was eleven she got into kpop and while others saw it as a form of entertainment she saw it as a dream. For a period of time she stopped hanging out with her friends and her family thought she had quieted down but in reality she was training hard to audition for sm. When she was thirteen she auditioned for Sm entertainment and got in with her singing and dancing. Her family almost didn't sign the form but they ended up agreeing when her sister helped her argue. Their family decided that Mirae must not fall behind in her studies in order to go train in SM. Mirae took the chance and begin working her off in school and in training. During weekends she had often fallen asleep in training rooms because she was so tired. She met a lot of people this way because they would wake her up so they could use the room. Many of them were nice enough to let her continue sleeping in the corner while they practiced but many times she joined them. Once she was found by Lee Sooman and he told her not to sleep in the training rooms because it inconvineced others and was unsafe. The next day he found her asleep in the hallway. He didn't know what to do but let her continue to sleep in the training room but he then started keeping an extra eye out for her who he was sure was going to be a trouble maker.
When she was sixteen she was kicked out of the house for stubbornly sticking with this dream tha her parents thought was unrealistic and they wanted her to study business and work at a big company. She knew that the life of business wasn't for her so she told them no. They told her to not come back until she had thought it out. Her parents never understood how mature Mirae was, they thought that she would cry and come back immidiatly but she left and hasn't been back since. Right after getting kicked out she dyed her hair and to change her look and to give herself confidence to chase after this dream. She didn't know where to go after that and just ended up moving into the dorms that were for non korean trainees after begging SM. After Lee Soo Man heard her story he agreed to let her stay in a dorms but he made her promise that the moment she started to skip practice or ignore proper instructions she would be kicked out. 

PRESENT Right before she was picked for Paragon she was accepted into Seoul Institute of Arts but she decided to pause college and focus on the group. She still lives in the dorms and her sister secretly sends her money every month. She is not on meeting tems with her family (other than her sister)although she sends them messages every holiday they never reply. She has gotten along more with Lee Soo Man (she is allowed to call him uncle Sooman) because he had been helping her along her training period. She gets along great with the other trainees although some have made the comment that she is like the devil when practicing. She often hangs out with the friends she had made and is really thankful to have the support. She is now fully able to take care of herself and she can do all the basic housework. She has some fans that notice her for her predebut work and some haters due to some pictures she took with her guy friends that they uploaded.

She is good at knitting and has made hats and scarves (she really wants to make a scarf for her boyfriends (when she gets one) just like the scenes in dramas)

She is quite flexible
She enjoys writing songs in her free time. She mostly writes ballads and carries a small notebook filled with lyrics. Even though she has a full book of songs only one has been made. She wrote exos Miracles in December after listening to the backing track the lyrics came flowing out. She wasn't going to show the company but Heechul found it and gave it in. 
other random tidbits about her: Some trainees think she is older than she actually is because of how long she has been training and her acting older than her age so they automatically call her unnie or noona until they find out her real age.
When people see her they think she is a YG trainee rather than SM trainee due to her similar feel to 2NE1. They often also think that she is a rapper but really she is not a good rapper.
She gets very surprised if anyone recongizes her on the the streets because she thinks no one would know her.
she wants to Interact with fan(she wants to have a fansign soon so she can speak with the fans)
She spent three hours trying to think of a stage name and then in the end decided to stay the way she is and be mirAe.
 hot weather (she doesn't like summer for the heat.)
maths or lots of numbers (it makes her dizzy and it takes her a long time to work out semi complicated maths equations)
garlic ( the smell and taste is too strong so she doesn't like it)
strong smelling perfume (she doesn't like the perfumes that smell so very sweet that its sickening. She herself uses one that smells like green tea)
Saesangs (she makes it very clear that she dislikes them by saying "Saesang fans can't be considered real fans" whenever she is asked on the topic.)
Being asked to rap (often mistaken for the main rapper on shows due to her style she doesn't like it when people randomly ask her to rap and she will just say "I'm not the rapper")

Icecream (its her favorite thing ever and nothing is better than icecream when one is sad)
fried chicken (she is a member of the fried chicken club with kai and onew and the three of them will send each other fried chicken during events)
rain (she likes the feeling of rain falling and unless she is in a hurry she never runs in the rain
she walks slowly until the point she is drenched. Surprisingly she has yet to get a cold from this.)
watermelon (its her favorite fruit)
when someone cooks for her (since she has had to take care of herself she finds it touching when someone cooks for her and she will give them a big hug)
Iron Man (her favorite marvel hero and she finds Robert Downey JR to be the hottest guy ever)
acting (she finds it fun and thinks of it as a great way to test her skill)

 loneliness (if she is too alone then she thinks too much)
talking to strangers first (she doesn't know how to start conversations with strangers and she is afraid she will bother them so she akwardly waits for others to start the conversation)
haunted houses (it not the ghosts its more random things jumping out in the dark. If she is scared she won't make a sound and instead grabs onto someone tight)

 She tugs on her ear when she is really nervous but you can't tell from her face,
she hugs other or grabs their hands when she is feeling thankful, scared, really nervous or when she just wants to feel that they are there
if she is wearing a ring she will play with it when talking
she carries a small pillow on long car rides
if there is music playing she will automatically move her body with the beat.
She texts her family every holiday but has not recieved a text back yet
If she is traveling she will always bring back a present for her older sister
She always sleeps on her left side
She always has gum in her bag (no reason she just does)
She still has the habit of falling asleep in practice rooms if she spends the whole day practicing
She completely makes a mess of her room when she is angry and that is why there is no class object in her room.
She has to eat breakfast because if she doesn't she could look semidead until lunch.
Acting (she often had to dye her hair black and then redye it blonde right after)
She was in Got 7s girls girls girls mv
She was the girl for exo's drama mv for growl
she acted with D.O in its ok thats love as Oh So-nyeo
she appeared in shinee's sherlock mv,
she appeared in Henry's Trap Mv
cameoed as a student in to the beautiful you
she was in tohearts mv for tell me why
she was in infinites back mv
She was in the breathe mvs for sm the ballad
The reason for the amount of mvs shes in is that the company wants her to move to acting after debut (they think she would be terrible for variety shows so they will move her to acting along with singing) 
she filled in for Amber at a few f(x) performances during her hiatus in 2010. People thought that she would debut soon but no news of her debuting was found anywhere.

she sang the OST song 'Closer' from the drama To the Beautiful You
(there are not many singing predebut experiences because the company wanted to keep her voice a semi surprise)
wrote Miracles of Decemeber for exo 



SINGING TWIN Younha link



POSITION BACK-UP (MAIN VOCALIST) (maknae+sub vocalist)
  never forget。
mother / Choi Sunmi / 55/ strict, traditionalShe is not on speaking terms with her mother after what happened when Mirae was 16
— Father / Choi Yushin / 57 / Strict traditional, bad tempered She is not on speaking terms with her father either.
— Older sister / Choi, Chaerin / 27 / Obidient, nice, timidShe sends Mirae money every month and is the only one in the family who supports Mirae. Chaerin used to want to be a teacher but was forced into being a business women so she wants Mirae to do what she loves.

Best Friend/ Liu , Amber / 21 / friendly, fun, loud
They are literally besties! Well who isn't friends with Amber? They are similarly different and they have a lot of fun together. They known each other since before Fx debuted and they often hung out together after training. Now they still go out to eat with their group of friends and share ideas about song writing together. They call each other bro on their phones.
— Kinda bestfriends kinda parental  / Kim,Heechul / 31 / true to himself, flowery
They met when Mirae witnessed a secret Hanchul date. Heechul noticed her and made her be quiet abou the incident so the company wouldnt be all over his back. He thought that she would tell but he noticed that she never did which made him very happy. From then on he decided himself that he and hangeng would be her temp mother and father. So she sometimes calls him umma to spite him but no one can tell if he likes it or hates it.
Bros / Kim, Jongin / 20 / hardworking, fun loving
They became trainees around the same time and they often trained together. They would go out to eat fried chicken alot and usually it was Kai who found her asleep in the practice roommis.He wouldn't wake her and instead he would practice quietly as she slept. Sometimes Taemin would joint the two as well but then he debuted in shinee. She is as close to Kai as taemin is but shes not allowed to be publicly that close in case of scandal. Kai is one of the few that know about her bad habit of messing up her room.
beloved unnie/ zhang, Liyin / 25 / shy, caring, kind
Zhang Liyin takes care of Mirae as if she was her own little sister. Liyin often helps Mirae with her singing so she could improve. They cook together sometimes and usually if they are lonely they go out and watch a movie together. They really want to perfom together so Liyin wants Mirae to hurry and debut. They get together over cofee sometimes to talk about boy troubles. Both of them are in a to confess or not to confess stage and its so tiring for both of them.
— BFF  / Byun,Baekhyun / 22 / hyper, jokester
The two singers who like to go clothes shopping together. They are self proclaimed bff for life (sorry Chanyeol ^^) and the two of them are a whirlwind of fun together. Mirae is the loudest when she is with Baekhyun and even though he is younger she thinks hes more like a hyperactive younger brother. He has a lot of hate aimed towards him but shes usually there to make sure that at least he smiles for a while. If you mess with Baekhyun in front of her then she will not be happy.
— BFF  / Wang,Jackson / 20 / truthful, tries to be funny
They don't see genders in each other and are very close to each other. Jackson and Bam Bam often came over to play Basketball with Mirae and Amber. Mirae and Jackson are winning basketball players. Now that hes debuted she sometimes teases him by commenting how she doesn't understand why girls like him and he'd always be like "cause I'm good looking"
These are some of her closest friends but she is close with most of Amber's friends, super junior and exo. Taemin is basically same as Kai in closeness levels to her. There are also alot of people that have heard of her (if they heard about her from Heechul then they know her as Blondie and if they heard about her from Amber they would know her as Amber's bro. )

Not on good terms / Kim, Taeyeon / 25 / Nice to her friends and not anyone else
When she and Baekhyun started dating Mirae was skeptial if it would work but she stood by Baekhyun even when members of exo were annoyed with him so when Taeyeon broke it off suddenly and made Baekhyun cry Mirae was quite annoyed. She went over to talk and for some reason the two ended up in a huge cat fight that ended with Mirae giving Taeyeon a huge bruise on the thigh. From then on whenever the two are in the same room the atomsphere is very tense.
  Lee Sungmin。
  Zhang yixing, Kim Minseok
— Min oppa / her nickname for him and he finds it cute but he gets teased by the other suju members when Mirae isn't looking.
— Min oppa / her n

SUMMARY He is a quieter person compared to the rest of SUJU. He would rather stay at home then go out and he doesn't like mingling with too many unfamiliar people at a time but he has many friends because he has a warm personality. He likes schedules and order, he has a very clear sleeping schedule so if he is awake after 12am he will be very tired and emotionless. He is awake very early in the morning and likes making tea. He is very quick witted and learns things at a very fast pace. He is more or less always the first person to react to something. He’s the kind of the guy that’s easy to approach. He gets along better with girls than boys; he’s also the go-to guy for girls. They talk to him about their relationship problems. He’s also a bit feminine (he gets told that because he likes the color pink and can cook) but really manly on the inside. But don’t let his femininity fool you, the guy’s got a high testosterone level, which was proven on a show. He’s also very protective, be it a friend or a stranger in danger he is good at martial arts and really strong. He doesn't like cleaning so if something is messy it will stay messy until he decides he feels like cleaning. Sungmin isn’t as happy as he portrays himself to be. He’s depressed when he is tired and he cant help show it. He also has a low self esteem problem due to his weight and he thinks he is not handsome. Sometimes no matter how many people tell him how handsome he is he still will think he is ugly.
He really enjoys helping others out so if he sees a mess he will help them clean. If they are crying he will go over to comfort them. He also has a playful fun loving side that rarely comes out behind his smile. (it usually comes out after three bottles of beer)
He also loves the rain although he takes care of his health and doesn't just stand around in the pouring rain.
smile for the people you love

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING  They know each other but haven't really interacted much before the day the events on a rainy day where Mirae was sitting outside in the pouring rain because she forgot to bring her card to get into the dorms complex she was waiting for someone to go in so she could follow (she had her keys). Because it was a rainy day there were no guards outside so she had to sit there waiting. Heechul calls her to ask whats shes doing and she tells him and he gets very worried about his 'daughter'. Heechul is busy at the moment but he knows that Sungmin is at the SM building so he calls Sungmin to take her to the SUJU dorm to dry her off. Sungmin being the good guy he is goes to find Mirae, when he gets there she is alseep due to fatigue. Hes worried so he ends up carrying her to the car but beofre they get to the car  she wakes up still in his arms (cue the awkwardness). After twenty minutes of awkward driving they arrive at Suju's dorm where Sungmin forces Mirae to go lie down even though she swore she was fine. He made her dinner and they ate together, no one else was in the dorm. Its been a long time since someone took such good care of her and that touched her heart so much while for him it was interesting to see a different side to the girl that was apparently Heechuls child. They began talking about stuff and found out they hit it off pretty well. When Heechul and Kyuhyun came bakc to the dorms they found the two of them asleep on the couch with the tv on.

RELATIONSHIP  Due to that incident on the rainy day the two of them became very close. Heechul created opportunities for the two of them to meet. After meeting once or twice more the two of them somehow moved right from aquaintences to married couple. Often she will get text messages from Sungmin saying "don't over do it" "be careful not to get too tired" and she will text back "oppa don't get too tired" "remember to eat! I don't like skinny oppas". If anything big happens for either of them they will call each other to talk about it. Often dropping in with lunch boxes for each other or always knowing where to look for the other. If you are looking for Mirae call Sungmin because he will know where she is. IF you are looking for Sungmin call Mirae. The other super junior members have already gotten to the point of calling her sister in Law after Sungmin confessed to her on their third date. After that when they see each other they are very cuddly and she likes hugging him or putting her head on his shoulder because he makes her feel safe. He finds her to be really cute and really different to himself which is why he just drifts towards her. He cares more about the public image than she does so sometimes he has to remind her not to act to close to her in public. They might be backstage and she would hold his hand but he would shake it off in case there are others (staff)watching, this really annoys her but she just leaves and this usually ends with Sungmin giving her a gaint hug when they are alone.
Their relationship isn't 100% cotton candy. Sungmin is an insecure guy and now he likes a girl eight years younger than he is who isn't shy hanging around other guys. He doesn't get jealous because he just gets insecure and scared. He sometimes just walks away when Mirae hangs with her other guys friends because he always thinks that she could do better with them than him and that he isn't good enough for her. Its really hard for Mirae not to notice Sungmin sulking but she can't understand whats bothering him because she only sees him and doesn't care about the other guys. Sometimes its so tiring seeing Sungmin slulking because how he feels hes not good enough. She wishes there was something she could do to make him feel differently.

CONCLUSION Well definaitly for them to end up together because I can't bear seeing them break up T-T ummm I was thinking one big fight where both of them get mad because Mirae told Sungmin she loved him but he said that shes better off with someone else and they have a huge argument where she leaves telling him she will find someone eles. They don't meet up for a couple of day and when they do they don't speak to each other finally somehow (leaving this to you authornim) they forgive each other and go public with the relationship.
sorry if this sounds dumb so feel free to change this if you would like to.
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  Hope you like her! I tried really hard to think of a different character but I don't know if I did well so tell me if there are things that need to be changed ^^btw isn't Heechul a cutie?
The other characters finding out about her habit of destroying her room when she is mad and their reactions.
Heechul jumping in and out of the story ^^
Some solo activities for the members
Fans being mean to Mirae and leaving messages calling her a
(to be continued maybe) 



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