〈 ❈ Girl Code 。Lee Soo Hyun

username: LILLYANNA
nickname: LILLY
activeness: 9
415 x 400


- name ( English Name )
- name ( Chinese Name )
- name ( Japanese Name )


- Lyne ( it's a name her american friends gave her because they thought it was easier calling her that and since her last name was Lee, it became Lyne as the time passed )
- Smilee ( her fans call her that because wherever she goes she has a smile on her face )
- Cake Mania ( her members call her that because she's always buying and eating cake and doesn't let anyone touch them or else she forces that person buying the same cake for her )

BIRTHDAY + AGE - 11 24 1997 + 17 years old

BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN - Seoul, South Korea + L.A, California


HEIGHT - 170cm

WEIGHT - 50kg



- Korean ( fluent )
- English ( fluent )

416 x 310
Face Claim
Park Su Eun
416 x 310
back up Face Claim
Park Gi Rim


Soohyun is always very energetic and cheerful. Likes to enjoy herself and is happy all the time, since the early day until the late night. It's really unusual to she see her sad or crying. If crying it maybe from happiness. Soohyun is a lively girl. She's very active and thinks that her life must be lived at the fullest and to her the fullest is all the happy and funny things it happened or will happen in her life, so Soohyun usually just thinks about those moments that makes her laugh. People around her tend always to have a smile placed on their faces because of Soohyun's jokes and pranks. A very optimistic girl, expects all the best of the best in every situation. Soohyun tend to be very positive about everything, when everyone is thinking about the worst she always manages to find the good thing about it and usually makes everyone laugh because her ideas are always weird. Soohyun is also an easy-going girl and doesn't really care much about things and one of them are what people think about her, she just ignores them or just goes along with them laughing at anything they say, but there are times where she's really laughing because she finds herself funny.

Soohyun may be a little bit lazy about somethings, it's rare to see her working, but if she's really determinated to do something she makes up her mind and will accomplish that no matter how hard it is. She likes to watch people that's why she is good at reading people specially the ones that she's closest to. She knows them really well. Knows what they like to do, things they like, etc. That makes her say what they think beforehand and don't let them talk which annoys everyone. Soohyun is also a girl that gets distracted easily. When she's doing something or going somewhere if she gets distracted by something she forgets what she was doing and ends up not doing it. When this happens she always has the felling that she forgot about something and ends up remembering when she's in the middle of a conversation. The person usually is shocked because Soohyun shouts an 'ah!' out of nowhere. no one can ask her to do something because of her distration problem but most of the time is because she doesn't want to do it, since she's lazy, and pretend that she didn't hear it or that she forgot as an excuse. Soohyun has this habit of lying since she was young. There's no way she can keep a promise or see if she's saying the truth. It's better not to believe in everything she says or else it will make you very disappointed although lying sometimes helps her get out of scary situations or get out from troubles.

There were a few times when her friends also told her that she was weird because when she is immersed with her thoughts then she remembers something and starts laughing by herself even if she's alone with a million people around or when she started yelling at her phone because it's not working even a tree if she hurt herself on it. Soohyun is also full of herself, specially if someone praises her, she feels like she's the best in the world and starts showing off all her good and bad things that she thinks that are good but it doesn't mean that she will hurt someone. Another flaw Soohyun has is being an irresponsible person. She forgets easily about assignments and sometimes doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. Being a very lively girl, might sound that she's very childish, but not, she can also be serious when it's needed. If there's something wrong and no one can be poisoned by her happy side, instead of trying to find the best way about it, she tries her best to help and solve the matter. If she's has her showing off mode on, Soohyun usually turns it off. Soohyun's also very competitive, specially in sports, since she thinks that she's good at it, or in things that she's good at. of course being a competitive girl she doesn't like to lose.



Soohyun was born in South Korea just like her two older brothers. Both of her parents are average people that works in a restaurant. Because they have family in Los Angeles, Soohyun's parents decided that they would move to America and make a living there when Soohyun finished 2nd year of elementary school, since she would know how to speak and write korean by that time. Her father had already been in L.A a few times to visit his older sister and had the honeymoon there so they were quite familiar with the place. Of course, Soohyun and her brothers made a big fuss about it because they would leave their friends but they couldn't do anything since they were too young to do argue with them. Like what they were expecting, at the beginning it was though for all of them, they relied a lot on Soohyun's father older sister which was glad to help them but after learning the language everything became more easier. Soohyun's parents opened a korean restaurant in L.A with the help of Soohyun's aunt and Soohyun and her brothers went to school there. The three of them were a little bit afraid but they found great friends there that helped them with the language and other things. They also found one or two korean students that made them less stressed for living in a foreign country.

Soohyun started liking music when she went to America. Her cousins, who were already in high school when she started living in L.A, always heard pop music that were popular at that time. She became addicted to Taylor Swift and Katy Perry singing skills when she was 10 and started taking vocal lessons since then, of course after asking her parents. A year after she also started taking guitar lessons. She still conected herself with South Korea which made her know about K-Pop and when she learned almost everything about idols, trainees, the big companies and how the auditions worked she decided to take a try and went to take audition to SM in 2009 since they were making auditions in L.A that year. her parents that always supported her daughter went to the audition with her but she didn't got accepted. Soohyun moved back to Korea with her older brother because he wanted to attend college in his hometown, her parents would stay there with her young older brother since he want to continue his studies in L.A after moving back. After moving back she started attending Seoul Of Performing Arts where she met other idols that had already debut and be friends with them and took an audition to SF Entertainment where she got accepted.



Father || Lee Woon Ha || 52 || Restaurant Owner || Caring, Funny, Kind, Lively, Motherly || Soohyun is his little girl, he doesn't want to believe that she will grow up and often treats her like a baby like 'Oh~ My baby wants a cake then daddy will buy it~', Soohyun's dad looks more like a mother than her mother. He's also like that Soohyun's brother but not as often as his little girl. Soohyun gets annoyed if he does it everytime she's with her friends but when it's with her family she doesn't mind.

Mother || Lee Min jung || 49 || Restaurant Owner || Short-temper, Competitive, Caring, Kind, Outgoing || Soohyun and her mother usually are shouting and yelling at each other because their ideas are completly different from each other, although many people said they kind of look a like each other, so the boys usually never interfere when they are discussing but they can have normal conversations like normal people and when Soohyun has a problem her mom is the first person she thinks that can help her.

Older Brother || Lee Nu Hyun (John) || 22 || College Student(Photography) || Protective, Kind, Caring, Mature, Mischievous || Nuhyun and Soohyun have a relationship quite a like her dad's. Nuhyun also still treats her like a little girl but he knows when he's embarrassing her or not. Her brother is a little bit overprotective of her so when Soohyun has just a small little bruise he overreacts or if she's with some boys he always do his little 'test' to know if he's a good or bad influence to Soohyun even though he passes he still has his eye on him. Soohyun used to argue because of it but now she can just sighed.

Older Brother || Lee Si Hyun (Mike) || 20 || College Student(Graphic Design) || Cool, Funny, Sarcasm, Kind, Joker || Soohyun lives with Nuhyun but that doesn't mean that Sihyun and her aren't as close just not as close as Nuhyun. Sihyun always acts like a cool guy so Soohyun usually teases him because he doesn't act like that when he's with them (family). If these two are together is very often hearing sarcasm and jokes in conversations, if they are alone it's even worse. Their family think that these two could make a great comedian duo.



Jung Han Na || 17 || Student || Mature, Hard-Working, Funny, Serious, Kind || Soohyun met her at SOPA. Soohyun was new and Hanna was the first to talk to her or more like Soohyun tried to talk to her many times because she was her seatmate since then they became inseparable friends. A funny and weird relationship. Usually is just Soohyun talking and Hanna listening. there are times when she talks but it's just to correct whatever Soohyun said wrong or when it's asked her opinion. Hanna's also gets many times angry if Soohyun grabs her to do something she doesn't want but besides that if one of them are down they are always there for each other. Before soohyun being a trainee, they looked like sisters because they never left each other's side.



Jeon Jung Kook || 17 || Idol(BTS) || Chic, Funny, Loud(sometimes quite), Proud, Competitive 
Jung So Ra || 19 || College Student(Doctor) || Mature, Mother-like, Kind, Caring, Hard-Working
Nam Woo Hyun || 23 || Idol(Infinite) || Confident, Extroverted, Crazy, Loud, Teaser
Son Na Eun || 20 || Idol(A-Pink) || Quiet, Humble, Creative, Shy, Funny 

Mark Tuan Yi-En || 21 || Idol(GOT7) || Reliable, Quiet, Funny, Passionate, Kind



- steak
- pocky
- sleeping
- jajjangmyon
- video games
- fried chicken
- sweats with hoods
- amusement parks
- paranormal movies and stories
- sports (she's good at volleyball and basketball)
- anime (Fairy Tail and Naruto are her favorites)
- any kind of cakes (being strawberry her favorite ones)



- milk
- coffee
- carrots
- spiders
- studying
- spicy food
- hot weather
- cigarettes' smoke
- movies with zombies
- when someone ruffles her hair
- when someone spends her games' money


- favorite number is 7
- her favorite drink is water
- Soohyun is a BANA, a B1A4 fan
- favorite colors are blue and black
- she watches PewDiePie (a youtuber)
- she wants to overcome her height fear
- she can't eat spicy food, it's her weakness
- she can do the cup dance by Anna Kendrick
- it's hard to wake her up, must call her 5-7 times
- she doesn't use an alarm because she turns it off then goes back to sleep
- she wants to go on Weekly Idol, Let's Go: Dream Team, Running Man and Hello Counselour
- she watches a lot of anime wHich make her have a good at japanese pronunciation (after learning)
- has a crazy obession with sweats with hoods and snapbacks has always a hood or a snapback on her head when praticing
- she really likes jajjangmyon, steak and fried chicken she says that she could eat everyday that doesn't get sick of it eat just that in her whole life
- when EXO's 'Overdose' was released she couldn't stop listening and was annoying all her friends because Soohyun wanted them to do the clap part in the intro together
- after knowing that she would be the lead girl in B1A4's mv she started praticing her acting skills, she started to like acting and wants to try it someday in a drama (after debut)
- Soohyun has always a backpack with her so she can take her important things with her, she usually have snacks and drinks, what she always has with her is her phone and tablet, a book and a pen


​- playing video games


drinking water right after waking up
- eating ice of a drink (if it's in there any)
- laughing while clapping at the same time
- puffing her cheeks often specially when she's bored

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STAGE NAME: Gongchan

BIRTHDATE + AGE: 08 14 1993 + 21



PERSONALITY: Gongchan may look stiff when we first meet him because of his tall build, chic appearence and pretty face that intimidated his hyungs when they met him but he's actually a very dorky, playful and cheerful boy full of aegyo. He may be the maknae of B1A4 but he can take care of his hyungs, since he has a younger brother, sometimes he may look like the hyungs while s are the younger ones. We can always count on him whenever we need him, he's a very reliable friend and is always willing to help his friends and close ones. Gongchan is also a happy-go-luck guy. He enjoys playing around even when he's alone he plays by himself for not to get bored. Like Soohyun, he loves to compete and getting into the games, just having fun is good for him. Sometimes he's deep in his thoughts which makes him quiet and make him look like he's a bit of a cold person but he's just pondering about something, sometimes things that are even not important like what he should eat for dinner. When he's thoughts are interrupted by someone he usually goes back to himself. Gongchan has a smile that is contagious, he makes everyone around him smile because of his weird but funny pranks which he does to his hyungs and other friends.


HOW YOU MET: Soohyun met Gongchan through her trainee friends. She had already seen him in SOPA but never dare talk to him because she was afraid that she would fangirl. When her friends told her that they were friends with Gongchan she couldn't believe it so a few weeks later her friend settled a meeting. Soohyun thought that was just normal meeting but when she saw Gongchan and Sandeul entering in the karaoke room she thought that she was dreaming. When she snap back to reality, she introduced herself and tried not to fangirl but her friends already told them beforehands. Since them they started being friends.


INTERACTIONS: They used to hang out together with friends and play around or eat something when Gongchan had time but after Soohyun's debut it was harder to do it. Soohyun always teases Gongchan because he takes more time than her to choose clothes to wear for some event and to pay back Gongchan is always touching and messing Soohyun's hair which she hates it. In their trainee days, everytime Gongchan would want to prank one of their friends he would ask Soohyun for help because she has good ideas for it. Everyone that hangs out with these two never get bored, they are always loud and joking around even when they send messages to each other, it's funny to read them. When they are together they often jokingly insult each other but they are great friends and always cheering and supporting each other. When Soohyun debut they promised each other that they would meet in a music show and drink green tea although they rethink about the green tea, they don't know why they choose that.




BACK-UP: Got7 Mark

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LOVE RIVAL: Kim Myung Soo


BIRTHDATE + AGE: 03 13 1992 + 22

GROUP: Infinite


PERSONALITY: Myungsoo wants to show that type of a cold, serious and mature man because of his image in Infinite, specially when he's L, but there are times when he's not careful and suddendly turns to Myungsoo like when he's angry, sad or when doing aegyo to get something he wants (but this isn't often just in rare times). Myungsoo, he usually is a funny and a little outgoing and 4D mind and very protective when it comes to his own things, if someone takes them aways from him he'll be really angry and starts shouting everywhere. He's caring when it comes to his close ones showing his older brother side but that doesn't mean that he's not like that when he's L but to him seems more easier showing this side when he's Myungsoo. Yet, L has always a little of Myungsoo inside just doesn't want to show it because he thinks that he must be a cool guy. Conclusion, he's L with a little of Myungsoo or full Myungsoo that's why there's this thing that everyone calls it 'L cosplay'. Both of L and Myungsoo (that means that it's Kim Myungsoo) are really good friends. Always there when it's needed, in sad or happy moments and helping them where they can.


HOW YOU MET: Soohyun met Myungsoo through her brother. Myungsoo and Nuhyun had been friends since they were kids and still kept contact when he moved to Los Angeles. When Soohyun was young she used to disturbe her brother when he talk to Myungsoo through webcam because she wanted Nuhyun to play with her but she met Myungsoo face to face when she moved back to Seoul. Nuhyun asked Myungsoo to pick them up at the airport and they got closer after Soohyun found that he was a trainee.


INTERACTIONS: Since Myungsoo and Nuhyun were born in the same year, to Soohyun, Myungsoo is like a brother. When they have time they usually hang out together and play around. Soohyun likes more when Myungsoo is Myungsoo because, to Soohyun, L is too difficult to understand since he was always that expressionless face that can mean anything but fortunaly with her L is always Myungsoo, although she stills finds L charming. Myungsoo always teases Soohyun because of her obession for hoods and snapbacks and that annoys Soohyun since he also says that she doesn't have fashion sense. He doesn't like when Soohyun is lying but he she's lying and when she's not, he just thinks that she shouldn't do it. Myungsoo is also overprotective of Soohyun everytime she is with a boy.




BACK-UP: EXO Chanyeol

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PERSONA: Addictive Vitamin

POSITION: Main Vocalist

BACK UP POSITION: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer


FANCLUB COLOR:  #ffff99 


DANCING TWIN: f(x) Krystal


TALKING TWIN: Girl's Day Hyeri



TRAINEE LIFE: Like any other trainee her trainee life wasn't easy either. She had to wake up and go to school then after school she had to pratice. On the weekends she passed almost all day inside the pratice room. At morning, she had to run 2km and do sit-ups and push-ups, after that she goes to the company and do her lessons about half day then pratice what she learned the rest of the day. It was even harder when she worked this hard but didn't know when was going to debut or if she was already good enough. All the competion between he trainees weren't helping too. Although it was hard, Soohyun always tried her best since she really wanted to be an idol, it was her dream, so she tried to make it a little bit easier while thinking about things that didn't make sense and made her laugh. It's quite easy for Soohyun to make friends, so she get along with everyone well except a few but we can't please everyone.




COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: English isn't my native language so I hope you'll understand eeverything~~ Hwaiting!!! ^^





- If going on Weekly Idol, after Doni&Coni read the ridiculous trivia, Gongchan appears with green tea and Doni&Coni puts a CG of a music show and after that airs she receives a message from Myungsoo and Nuhyun asking when did she do that
- The group goes to L.A and Soohyun wants to show them around then they end up at Soohyun's house to visit her family and showing her funny relationship with her family





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