Advanced English.

Recently, my teacher asked us to do an independent read and I really wanted to use True Beauty by Priscilla Wu also known as Aishmin. I would have used it if it had 200 pages. SIGHS LOUDLY BECAUSE THAT BOOK IS EVERYTHING TO ME NOW. 

Anyway, does anyone want to recommended me some books that I could possibly find in the book store or at a school library? 

I just need easy reads based on action or angst. I don't know. Those are my favorite genres. 


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This might be late, but read something from Margaret Atwood. My personal favorite is "Cat's Eye" and "Blind Killer/Assassin" :)
Maze Runner?
I haven't read it yet but I want to ^^
Ummm idk if it's that long but I like John Grisham books. I got hooked onto his Theodore Boone series. It's more about law, so I guess mystery? And when he solves the mysteries he goes through action?

Lol idk you can just ignore this then
violinluv4ever #4
Did you ever read hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick? Pretty Little Liars hahaha
Or maybe Born at Midnight by CC Hunter?
still my favorite: House of Night ♥
idk, it's about vampires and love and drama and just everything, I love it ♥
I'll check it out! Thank you for the suggestion. c:
Bruh. You should read Forbidden by Syrie James and Ryan M. James. It's like a romance/action/fantasy. I really enjoyed it ^_^ Not sure if its your type of thing, but you should check it out XD