Ladies' Code

I read the news of EunB's death last night. Admittedly, I don't really know who she is and I only know the group by name, but anyone dying, especially at such a young age, especially like that, is always awful. And to read that two other members were still in critical condition only made things worse.

Just now I read this post on Tumblr, which claims EunB and RiSe weren't even recognisable. God, just thinking of how horrible that accident must've been is too much to handle, and I can't even begin to imagine how their loved ones, the other girls and the fans must be feeling. :S Sojung may never be able to return to the entertainment industry and RiSe may end up in a coma. And just think: if (hopefully when) she wakes up, she'll have to hear about her group member, her friend, having passed away.

I'm also sorry for the driver, who apparently also lost his life, and for his loved ones well. What happened is truly horryfing and tragic.

I sincerely hope the rest of them will recover and that everyone will find a way to cope with this, somehow, in some way. And I hope those who lost their lives in this accident are at peace and didn't suffer too much. RIP.


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