bias ruiner : Kim Jong Kai

Know when Kai will looks :

Innocent : when he smile sincerely or laugh maybe?

y : performs on stage

Cool : photoshoot

Crybaby : their music show first win

Lovely : looks at people eyes and take care about the person in front of him

Cute : make nonsense jokes and nobody laugh.

hey it is just an observation from me.not the real Kim Jong In. i never know him and of course he will never know me ;P


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SufiSuga83 #1 first bias is Kris..But now my Bias is Kai..I love his dance very much..His idol is Micheal Jackson..Haha me too..I love MJ too even he had passed away..
SufiSuga83 #2 first bias is Kris..But now my Bias is Kai..I love his dance very much..His idol is Micheal Jackson..Haha me too..I love MJ too even he had passed away..
AnneJongin #3
Im already into kpop looong time ago, and i keep changing my ultimate bias from time to time like changing clothes. But when EXO debuted, i liked luhan at the first place but then i decided Kai is my ultimate bias up until now. And i swear, i will never change my U.B after this...coz i just can't. Kai is just so irresistable, i just cant. And im totally agreed with ur statement. Jongin is really everyone's bias ruiner ^^