you guys gotta see this racist a*hole c: #RIPEunb

so i'm sure you guys all know about the tragic accident that happened today 04/09/14 orz, Eunb has passed away ;;
and only a hours later, this person comes and joins in
you guys wanna see something unhumane? 

(c). to rightful owner.


theres nothing more i can say, i don't understand why this type of person even exsist and why there are people who supports this type of crap.
im so done with this society.

please mind ze engrish. ;; can't think rn 



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Disrespectful piece of . He's not any better. Would he like it if people called him black? Racist jerk. She's not even Chinese wtf. He will die soon too anyway, so what's the use of his fans? And those fans aren't any better. I really don't like it when fans just defend their idols no matter what even if what they do is so damn wrong. Even in the Kpop world. Really. They piss me off so much.

I heard of some people impersonating poor Eunbi saying that she's still alive and that the photos weren't true and I got so damned pissed. Like WTS? Poor girl is gone already and you can't give her a rest? That's so disrespectful on so many levels.

If you don't have anything good to say, will you just do the whole world a favour and shut up? Stupid .
holy damn wtf so messed up. ;;
ugh seriously people like this make me hate people
Lucky4432 #3
His account has been suspended but literally.
I want to burn the world because of him right now.
The ignorance is real, y'all.
Hey~~ you're back!

Anyways, what a douche. He is shucking lucky to be far away from me since the bloody sea is separating us coz i seriously am going to beat this shank up.
He calls people racist because they call him Black when he is obviously the one who is being racist calling us Ching chongs.
He is just someone who needs attention... Useless people like him really need a life.