Sad Day....More shocking

So, many of you guys may know Ladies Code. I wasn't really a super fan of them, but I did like their song. Well, I found out that they got into a car accident, and one of the members passed away. EunB was only 22, and she passed away. It's so sudden, and it's really sad. There are other two members who are in critical condition. Although you may not care about this group at all, it is very sad to watch someone pass away, and I hope that can show them at least some small amount of affection at the least. I hope they can be better, and do a full recovery soon. Rest in peace EunB.


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I wasn't a fan either but I did know the group. It's really shocking and sad. Condolonce to the family and friends of her. May she rest in piece.
Amen. ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)