Prayers go out to Ladies Code EunB #RestInPeace



So, if you all haven't heard, Ladies Code has gotten into a tragic car accident causing the death of one of the members, EunB. 

Once I heard this, I couldn't help but feel shocked, and sad...I haven't been a very big fan of theirs, but they're great.

My prayers go out to EunB and her family..and also, including the driver. 

Even though the driver does not have 100000 fans like EunB, he does have a family who cares about him. 

Please pray for EunB and the driver. He's also human too...






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I come back from a dance practice and I hear this news. I'm so sad even if I never really paid much attention to Ladies Code I didn't really know much about them but it tore my heart to pieces when I read this news. So therefore R.I.P EunB. I pray for her family and group.
Also at such a young age :( 21 years old she had a whole life a head of her